Arbitrary Choices Means Exploitable Weaknesses in v2

Day 870, 12:24 Published in USA USA by Benedict James,21020.0/topicseen.html

If we can take 216 people voting on the eUS boards as a representative sample (I'm not a statistician), then there is a further problem associated with the move over to v2.

I have been assuming throughout my analyses that, all things being equal, players will evenly distribute themselves among the various types of military units, such that A, M, I, and H would each be chosen by roughly 25% of the population.

This assumption appears to be false, as the poll on the forums suggests.

For whatever reason, on the poll entitled "What unit will you be in v2, "tank" received only 13.4% of the total votes while "helicopter" received 32.4%. Both "infantry" and "artillery" received roughly 25% of the votes.

What does this mean?
It means that player's choices are fickle, yet their choices, in the aggregate, can have a substantial effect on the battlefiel😛 Too much infantry and too few helicopters can mean a huge vulernability to tanks, etc.

So, who cares? Battles will be waged and countries will lose or win.

Actually, there is a unique problem that we will be facing upon implementation to v2. Countries, like the eUS, won't be able to control player's choices slowly, over time, through taxes and incentive programs. No. Upon implementation to v2, ALL players are going to be allocating ALL their points, AT ONE TIME. This allocation will be permanent!

Hypothetically, what if, for whatever reason, 50% of the players choose to specialize in tanks. Well, that would mean we would suffer in the other areas of the military, leaving a very exploitable weakness for our enemy.

How do we fix this problem?

By assessing the current situation and assigning players their military role, taking into account current military strength--i.e., a player of high military skill assigned to be a tank will have to be balanced out by several players of low military skill in helicopter or artillery.

To do this is not only important---it is absolutely essential to ensure the strength of the army and our national security.

v/s and shout to get the word out.