Aran Tal for the Northwest

Day 549, 07:15 Published in Ireland Ireland by Aran Tal

My Dear Friends and Countrymen

I am once again running for Congress, under the ISRP banner and once again am asking you for your vote. My manifesto last term was a shade epic so I'll keep this one rather more short.

I have been active in politics for most of my eLife, and have served three terms as Irish Ambassador to France and for the last few days I have served as Acting Minister of Defence, taking a major role in organising the IDF's actions against the TO attempt.

I have also served the people of the Northwest loyally for the last month as their Congressman. My first proposal was to lower the rate of VAT on houses to the minimum, a proposal which was passed by Congress. I have supported the wargames, and the efforts to rid the games of any ill-will which threatened us last week, and the temporary reduction on taxes for weapons for the duration.

I recently promised to work with government rather than engaging in public smear campaigns, and have done so. Hopefully my acts have raised the bar of political debate in this country.

However this does not mean I will stand idly by while the nation goes to waste. I have been a vocal proponent of good government. I have publicly opposed inactive ministers and, for the first time in our history have proposed an impeachment, which is currently being worked out in the Dáil.

My main area of expertise is Defence, and as the deputy Minister of Defence and Commanding Officer of Division II, I have worked tirelessly in Congress for the safety and security of our nation. This latest TO attempt is a dispicable cowardly act on the part of those responsible, and the people of Ireland will not fall at this latest hurdle.

Together, we can secure our proud Nation's borders, both physical and theoretical. Let our warcry go out that we have faith in our own people, our stronghold is our independence, our trenches are around the Irish sea and around our hearts is barbed-wire and we will not be moved.

So please, on election day, only vote for those you know for certain to be loyal Irishmen and Women, regardless of party-political biases and ideological differences. Those of us elected will work together for the betterment of Ireland, and her people, do not allow alien influences corrupt our nation. If, and only if, we have achieved all these things on the 25th of May, Ireland will, once more, be free.

With, as always,
Much Love
Aran Tal