April POTUS Endorsement/Election Update

Day 866, 00:11 Published in USA USA by Federalist Party
Congratulations Bradley Reala for winning the Federalist Party endorsement!!!

The Reala/Angelini ticket is a strong one and they have appealed to the Federalist Party by focusing on citizen services, increased communication, transparency and public interaction and the transition to V2. Both of these great citizens have long resumes, but Bradley Reala is currently the Secretary of State and Angelini is the Secretary of Defense. Bradley is a soldier in the Home Guard, Angelini is in the Marines (both support militias). Their combined experience in both the military and foreign relations could serve the US well in this sensitive post-EDEN climate.

Read more from Bradley Reala here.
Read more from Angelini here.

We wish them both the best of luck and hope they find their way into the White House, elected or appointed.

POTUS Blocker

As many of you have noticed, Trick246 is 'running for President' under the Federalist Party. He has been asked to serve as a blocker and protect our elections from candidates who wish to do us harm. The mechanics of Presidential elections is somewhat confusing (and hard to find on wiki), so allow me to explain-

There are 5 available spots for candidates, and those spots go to the parties with the highest member population. If all of the top 5 parties endorse the same candidate, there are still 4 spots open. This month there were 3 main candidates running, but that left 2 open positions. Those positions were quickly filled by PTO candidates, Owner and Michael Collins. To keep these threatening candidates off the ballot, it was necessary for SOMEONE to run a blocker. The Federalists chose to be that someone.

Many thanks are due to Trick246 for stepping up when we needed him. The Federalist Party hopes to someday run him as an actual candidate and not just a blocker.

The Feds are quick to call out parties for being dickheads, but we're just as quick to give props. The UIP stepped up to run a blocking candidate, Astra Kat G. With the help of SEES, they were able to boost their member count and overtake the PTO. Also, The Democratic Republicans honored the small parties and offered to nominate CivilAnarchy on behalf of the Socialist Freedom Party. Sweet moves, guys.

In somewhat related election news- our Congressional blocker sign up form is now open for April. Please sign up to block. After you've been vetted and placed, you'll be contacted by the Federalist Party and provided with moving tickets shortly before the election. Thank you for your service!

This article is intentionally Zooey-free...think of it as the calm before the storm.