April Fool's Day Mississippi Voting Update

Day 498, 13:58 Published in USA USA by Bill Brasky

Happy April Fool’s Day Mississippi! No jokes here, just my voting record (I know it’s been a while, if I missed something let me know, I voted on all proposals) and thoughts on the current events in the eUSA.

Donate to Nelco Industries: Yes. I’m tired of Congress having to beg and “be taught lessons” by Justinious. He needs competition and this would have given it to him.

MPP with Greece: Yes. I like allies.

Transfer 27500USD to Fort Korbin: Abstained due to computer trouble. I would have voted no, I’m tired of handing out blank checks.

MPP with Israel: Yes. The more allies the better.

MPP with Germany: Yes. Sense a trend here?

Issue Money 150000 USD for 750 Gol😛 No. The market needs to correct itself, let it be. No need to go meddling.

Donate 75000USD to Fort Knox: No. The justifications weren’t good enough for me to vote for this. I need to see what this money is going to be used for.

MPP with Croatia: Yes.

Donate to CBO: No. The explanation was too simple and vague to garner my vote. Expected better from One Eye on this, he’s usually so sharp with the explanations….

Donate 99999 to CBO: No. This is being used to tinker with the economy, and attempting to control the free market. No thank you.

Tax Change Gift: No. Navy II proposed this with a proposal link to a virus…? PANEC is going to be reevaluated April 4th, I can wait…

With my voting record out of the way, I want to talk about a few hot topics. First, I want to address the upcoming Presidential election. I feel it’s going to be a great race, with many excellent candidates. Indeed, the Federalist Party has a member running in this race, which is a fantastic step forward for our party. Tiacha is running as PrincessMedyPi’s Vice President, a true bipartisan ticket. I love Tiacha she has guided me throughout my time as a Congressman and Federalist Party member, and I urge you to vote for her. As for me, I’m still undecided as to who I’m voting for, as Scrabman has proven himself a capable and motivated leader in Uncle Sam’s wake. I know my vote and thoughts don’t truly matter, but I’d like to wish all Presidential candidates the best of luck!

Next, I’d like to talk a little about my last article. I was pretty upset about Voltare’s defeat in Utah (especially because the guy who beat him is inactive in Congress, take note Utah). I’ve talked with my fellow party members and I’m moving on. I want to thank my friends for their support and letting me have my time off. In all honesty, it helped a lot. I would recommend anyone who feels a bit overwhelmed by this game to take 2 or 3 days off. Yes, you get a little behind on the news, but it becomes completely worth it when you start enjoying eRepublik again. If you take this game too seriously, it will drive you crazy. I know, I’ve been there. As a citizen you have to consciously take a step back and realize the stuff you are getting frustrated with is minor at best. I’m not going to tell you “it’s just a game”, I hate that phrase. I will tell you this world moves incredibly quickly and what you are frustrated with will be done with and forgotten in just a few days. Just keep that in mind and you’ll be fine. If you aren’t having fun playing eRepublik, it’s pointless to keep going.

I’m working on a proposal for Congress (my first, and it’s a doozy), still being active in Congress (it’s frustrating with all the drama and BS that goes on there), and getting back into my true love, the Mentorship Program. With the elections a month off, I can rest easy for the moment and continue working for the people I want to help, the newbies of the eUSA.

Finally, I want to give a fond farewell to Mr. Richard Brophy, who resigned from Congress this week. His stated purpose was because of the drama, and to be honest I can’t blame him. I’ve thought of doing it multiple times, but never got to the breaking point. He was a great Congressman for his one term, very active and sensible. We never really spoke 1 on 1, but I respected his opinions and dedication to the job. Best of luck in whatever you do next sir, and I hope to see you back in the House of Representin’ soon.

That’s all for now Mississippi. If you live in our great state I urge you to subscribe for my voting record updates and news from Congress. As always, feel free to contact me with any questions, concerns, hate mail, or just want to say hi. I love to hear from you guys and gals.

Bill Brasky
Mississippi Congressman