April '10: Congress Election Analysis

Day 888, 08:02 Published in United Kingdom Ireland by 1nterestingch4racter

Firstly I'd like to congratulate all the candidates that got in, and say well done to the election co-ordinators who spent much of their Sunday plotting and executing strategy. You guys are the reason that congress elections are so interesting. So first things first:

TUP- 17(-1)
UKRP- 12(+5)
RFA- 7(-)
PCP- 2 (-4)
TRS- 2 (-)

It is obvious at this point that the UKRP were the big winners at this election (even though TUP got more seats) as they almost doubled the amount of seats they got and this can be accredited to Darkmantle, who I know was co-ordinating seats all throughout the day. TUP once again claim the highest price although their grasp on congress is slipping and the PCP vote totally collapsed, possibly due to a lack of mobile voters in terms of man power.

Here we can see the % that the different parties claimed both last month and this month:

(Right Click-> View for a better image)

And here we can see the affiliation of the congressmen, with the right clearly making huge advances but still with the left taking the lion's share of seats. RFA are holding up under their new leadership and returned a nice haul of newer congressmen as opposed to the old party elite.

(Right Click-> View for a better image)

If you want more information about the different congressmen and the votes they received, the information can be found here, on this very useful election tracker page.

I hope you enjoyed reading, please vote and subscribe!