Appeal to Heaven

Day 406, 14:55 Published in China China by Modelcon

Faithful readers of the Bearish Times will be quite surprised at the relative brevity of this article, but your author is pressed for time.

As of now, there can be no doubt of the coming invasion. For those who are still not convinced, please gander a peek here: I have copied the juiciest part of Iran, Pakistan and Indonesia's agreement here:

2. In order to get China, Iran needs to pass 2 original Pakistan's region. They are Baluchistan and Sindh.
3. After Iran get the way to Beijing, in 2-3 weeks if Iran and Pakistan continue to cooperate and respect each other, Iran agreed to give the regions back to Pakistan by starting RW over there.

This article is to seek out those who would defend eChina from such ruthless aggressors. Logomaster, Billy Fleming and I, Modelcon, have been actively seeking out news and information about this future act of war. Billy Fleming has talked to the President of Iran, only to be rebuffed, and Logomaster is seeking out tanks who are willing to defend eChina. I have been charged with mobilizing the home front, an honorable duty that I will surely pursue.

Please, those who care about our eChina, state it on this article. This article is not for discussion on resistance, but rather an effort for coordination. Would every able bodied citizen please state their intentions to fight back Iran here.

Also, to deal with the influx of the home effort, I will be needing coordinators. If you have sufficient time and willingness, please give me a PM. Squads will be assigned, and with that comes orders.

While the future looks bleak, prepare for the worst and hope for the best. We need every single able bodied citizen to comment on their commitment here. Please, let us not be reduced and humiliated a second time, on the eve of a new war.

May the glorious motherland triumph!