Apology from an EDEN Citizen

Day 755, 09:13 Published in Japan Switzerland by HuCard

Dear people of the Empire of Japan, Your Imperial Majesty Kokawayoshi Makoto,

As a citizen of Canada and thus of EDEN as well, I sincerely apologise for the troubles which the greed of the wicked alliance I am unfortunately a part of has caused you.

The USA have violated your sovereign territory, the infighting arising from this conflict has torn deep rifts within your nation, you are threatened by a possible invasion of Russia, and in defence against this you are required to give up a number of South Korean regions which will just fall prey to the Theocrats.
This operation of EDEN under the pretext of liberating China has caused your empire much sorrow, and possibly more damage than we can ever hope to make up for (and this is not even considering Russia's possible future actions yet), all for the sake of the United States getting their greasy hands on a High Iron region (or at least preventing their opponents from doing so) in the equally end- and meaningless war between PHOENIX and EDEN.

Your determined defence of Kyushu and your eventual willingness to go through all these painful sacrifices to help your ally China honour you greatly, and at least in my heart have cemented Japan as a truly Righteous Nation. EDEN on the other hand has once and for all shown that it holds no respect for the sovereignty, integrity or safety of neutral and peaceful countries happening to lie in the way of its conquests, making it ultimately no better than PHOENIX, PEACE before its transformation, ATLANTIS, or any other of these imperialistic monstrosities calling themselves alliances.

I am deeply ashamed by the suffering your great nation is forced to go through caused by the selfish interests of some of my country's allies, who I at least hope will lend you their full support against possible future invasions from whichever side. Alas, I cannot do much but to express my heartfelt regret and to donate ~10 Q1 weapons to your army and navy (more if they finally emptied their inventories) via my organisation Order of Rhenus.

And, lastly, to wish you the best of luck. It would be a shame to see such an excellent country be ground to death below the wheels of PHOENIX's and EDEN's tanks as they continue their Nineteen Eighty-Four-like eternal and pointless struggle fought on the backs of the innocent.

Nippon Banzai!