Apologies and Revelations.

Day 714, 07:26 Published in Ireland Cuba by Harrilal

Hello to the faithful.
I am finally shaking off the shackles of writer's block.

Despite my statements to keep going with the small country series regularly, I have discovered that I cannot deliver. I know the formula for the articles and I know where to get relevant information, but whenever I start, I get very lethargic and lose all motivation. I can only think of two interrelated reasons why this is so. 1) Writer's block. Plain and simple. Sometimes writers just get stuck. 2) I placed these high expectations on myself, and in doing so, I've made something that was a fun side project into something more akin to work.

Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I will not be doing the small country profile as a regular series anymore. I am not totally nixing it, because I imagine the motivation for that particular series will return from time to time (Maybe monthly or every 2 months), but I must admit to myself and to my readers that I cannot deliver it regularly. I apologise to those who were really looking forward to that, but in the end, I play this game to have fun and to enjoy it.

What does this mean? Probably more pieces in dialect and maybe a bit more social/political commentary.

With that said, I do have a new series (Midnight Questions) that I will be doing perhaps weekly (or fortnightly). I will pick an Irish citizen (and perhaps the occasional high-profile foreigner) and conduct an interview. These citizens may or may not be congressmen or generals. Sometimes they might even just be a two-clicker or an average fellow like myself.

Additionally, I will answer the first five (5) questions in the comment section of each article from here on in. Will I answer truthfully? Humourously? Rudely? Ask your questions and we'll find out together in "Ask Harrilal"!

My next article will be the first in the "Midnight Questions" series.
It will be up in the next 24 hours, without fail (the interview is already in progress).

Together we aspire! Together we achieve!