APF Qualms

Day 883, 15:21 Published in USA USA by Mattoze5

Hello eAmericans,

I am going to hit the ground running and will be writing more, so please vote and subscribe. Thank you 😃

Before I start off, let me first ask all those who are loyal APF members to not take offense at this: this article is not against you as much as it is for those who feel as if their voice has been taken away. After reading you may come to agree with me.

Many of you have used IRC and for those who still don’t know, it is a chat client that most eUS citizens use to communicate. Well I believe that in this context, IRC can provide as a great analogy of the eUS political situation as it currently stands. When someone joins a registered IRC room there is multiple levels of voice. When a person has level voice or higher, their ability to speak will not be infringed upon so should the room become moderated (locked so that only those with voice can speak.) Many people when joining the rooms request voice, whether it is for the prestige (which is what I believe is the main cause XD) or because they know that it gives them that slight edge which may or may not come in handy someday. The political situation for DemReps, the Federalists, and other right wingers is much the same now.

Autonomy has been largely removed from right-winged players, God forbid our nation comes under a crisis soon (which it very well may), I worry that our leaders and good friends will no longer have the “voice” to represent the way we feel. It will be interesting to see how these congressional elections unfold, because I have a scary feeling that the less experienced players of the former DemReps/CvP will not be given a chance but instead will be left out in the wind (I hope I am wrong for their sake.)

What We Can Do To Fix This.

Out of all the RL countries that formed lasting parties out of coalitions the country that I believe best exemplified rising to the need for a 2nd option was America. When the Democrats were winning nearly every election in the 1850’s it was evident that this coalition was suffering greatly due to disagreements about slavery. A dispute of this fashion (of course something other than slavery, i.e. War/Foreign Policy) has the potential of occurring in the APF now that so many people with largely different views are now all together. One party rule was inevitable, however, unless the other smaller parties (Whigs, Free Soilers, Know Nothings) joined together. Joining together by itself would not be enough: they needed a cause. They got their cause (Anti-slavery) and pulled together (even bringing in other Democrats who agreed on the cause.) They provided RL Americans with a second option, and after a while, the public took it. In countries such as RL Russia, one party rule has not proven too successful, and many citizens have become frustrated. Yes I know RL doesn’t always pertain, but to say on a political level that it is completely withheld from the game would be naïve. There is no saying that we can’t create a united second option of our own.

For right-wingers I am not necessarily suggesting a merger, in fact, in a political sense I am not suggesting anything. It’s up to you to decide what you are going to do. My advice would be to simply start off by finding a cause. I can think of one great one (refer to my previous article.) One thing is certain: I know from people who have personally told me, or have pmed me, or have even spoken out publicly, not everyone is happy about joining the APF and many are worried about what will come of its power.

I am not for the APF and I am not against the APF, I am just worried is all. Please let me know if you are worried too. It’s okay to speak up 😉

Be vigilant 😉
God Bless America