Apa kata dunia? : What the world said about Indonesia and Australia?

Day 358, 05:03 Published in Indonesia Indonesia by isnuwardana

Erepublik merupakan sebuah massively multiple player online game, strategy web browser game, namun juga merupakan sebuah situs social networking, di mana kita sebagai warga negara hidup berdampingan dengan warga negara lain, baik dalam satu negara, maupun terhadap negara lain.

Banyak sudah artikel-artikel yang menunjukkan berbagai pendapat warga Indonesia tentang masalah yang dihadapi Indonesia saat ini, namun sebagai sebuah situs social networking, kita juga hidup bersama warga negara lain, dan untuk itu aku mengajukan permasalahan tersebut pada berbagai presiden negara-negara di seluruh Erepublik, dan berikut yang hingga saat ini sudah diterima jawabannya.

Pendapat-pendapat para presiden ini diharapkan bisa digunakan sebagai dasar untuk mempertimbangkan hubungan Indonesia dan Australia, mengingat seperti apa yang sudah disebutkan sebelumnya, kita hidup berdampingan, baik dalam satu negara, maupun dengan negara lain.

Harap diingat, sebagian besar pendapat berikut hanyalah sekedar opini, bukan pernyataan resmi, meskipun sudah mampu menggambarkan pendapat pemerintah negara tersebut.

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To English readers, this article is meant to show what is the world leaders opinion regarding the current situation between Indonesia and Australia, as a consideration in the dialogue between both countries to decide the future. However, most of these are only an opinion, not the official statement from those countries. (Nonetheless, we can sense what are the policy from each country.)

Ini surat yang aku kirimkan

Dear President
I'm Isnuwardana, a congressperson from Indonesia.
The current implementation of V1, especially the resistance war module, gives a way for occupied countries to be freed.
In the case of Australia under the occupation of Indonesia, what is your opinion regarding this?
And what should Indonesians and Australians do?
Your reply will be greatly considered.
Thank you before.
Best regards

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President Danny Boodmann T. D. Lemon Nov of Austria
Australia is very active in this liberation war. The problem is that Auatralia has from its part the USA and Altantis, strong ally, and would be a very hard war for Indonesia. Meaby if you think you won't be able to resist for long you could look for a compromise. I don't really know the army in Indonesia. Bt if you need help tell us.
I don't know if I fully answered you question.

President BertoHZ of Italy
Italy considering indonesian as the brothers, than we helps you to defend all indonesian regions.
We support yours foreign politics and recently my minister mappina have contact with your president for set the future military strategy. You can stay sure that we continue to fight togheter.
Have a nice day, excuse me for my bad english and thanks for your message.

President Matthieu Bonne of France
Hello Isnuwardana 🙂
France has always been friendly with independantists as long as they're friendly themselves and not only Atlantis puppets...
My few informations about Australia seems to show that they're mainly a pretext for Atlantis to bully Indonesia. So i don't think we can support that ! I'm pretty sure there are a few "true" australians wanting freedom but (correct me if i'm wrong) they refused your proposal for one region so... too bad...
Anyway i probably lack of enough info to give a useful advice 🙂

President Cocoamok of Netherland
Dear Isnuwardana,
Although in the eNetherlands we have a government and foreign affairs is not my task, I will give you my ideas. But for o more formal answer please contact Donfishero, the eDutch Minister of Foreign Affairs. I will send your letter and my response also to him.
I think as long as Atlantis is still bringing in soldiers than indonesia should stand firm. But I think now it is the right time to negotiate again after the failure of the rebellion. In the end a cooperation between Australia and Indonesia, if possible to achieve, would be the best solution. Now you have a strong position. Try to get as many talks possible between Australians and Indonesians. Not only on the formal level. Be fair for the Australians, they need their resources. But contracts can be made to share these and get a lasting peace.
I hope this is something useble. Feel free to aslk more or contact Donfishero. The last is also searching for embassy exchange. Maybe that is possible.
Greetings, Cocoamok

President Dishmcds of United Kingdom
So formal. It's like we havent known each other for a year. 🙂
I feel that Australia should be a free nation, as it was intended. I respect the battle that Indonesia has put up, but feel the restrictions that they are trying to implement on Australia, with it's history and all are a little unfair as well. I believe that allowing Australia to be free, considering it's involvement in your country for the length of time they have been, is fair enough, without restricting it's ties to the international community.

President Danny of Sweden
Hello there.
I think you should free Australia, like Sweden freed Poland and is about to free Germany. In my opinion, every nation has the right to their own country to live in.

President PruDeN of Spain
Hello my friend.
The official position of Spain is the same at ATLANTIS countries.
We don't take own decisions about this fact.
In my opinion i think than indonesia must talk with australian to find a solution.

President Siddy of Argentina
Heya isnu, I remember you from when your times you were president (and conquered Australia hahahaha)
I think that Australia, like all countries should be independent. Best way would be if indonesians and Australia got together and decide peacefully an Australian independence, like polish and finnish independence.
If there is no peaceful resolution, we will be forced to support the Australian government in their legitimate attempts to recover it's legitimate country. However it's our hope that this shouldn't happen. Nobody wants a big war out there.

President Adam Zahovay of Hungaria
I am on the side of my partners. Indonesi is our ally. We went for fight for you. Hungary bulid an army which could move and take part in PEACE actions. If Indonesia say: Well here is a country: Ausztralia it should live in one region then we appriciate it. But Hungary and Indonesia are allies and they will fight for each other.
Best regards,
Adam Zahovay

President 5n4keyes of Ireland
eIrelands stance in all wars is to remain as neutral as possible.
I personally would like to see all countrys restored, and i know there are several eIrish citizens who want to see Australia back.
Hopefully some kind of friendly deal can be made to restore Australia, as war is costly.

President The_mihai of Romania
I believe Indonesia must negotiate a peace with Australia and give them some regions. But not only regions poor in resources, because in this case Australia will be frustrated and its people will want to regain its territories with war.
This is my solution for a peaceful ending. The presidents and some congress representatives must to have a chat together and set up decent conditions for both countries.
From my point of view, in the future it will be harder and harder to have 100% conquered countries. And the best way to solve possible future revolts is to negotiate. This is my opinion.
President of Romania

President BattalGazi of Turkey
we have got same thing with Israel.and our opinion about our issue:we dont want to give freedom.But Australia is your territerial problem.if we say our opinion it wouldnt be ethic.so you should discuss with Australian authoritative.i hope you will do best thing for Indonesia.

President Antonio Fonti of Japan
I think Indonesia's taking over of Australia was a tactical move they made to strengthen their position in the world, after all this is a game.
Though in regards to the question of liberating Australia, i think Australian and Indonesian representatives need to talk about how they are going to proceed and decide on conditions that will be accepted as fair by both sides.
If you have any other questions feel free to ask.

President Giles of Mexico
Dear isnuwardana,
Thanks for considering me in this issue, as a part of peacefuly nation, Im agree on freed this country; In the other hand, there are the Indonesian interests on that land. As an ally country of yours, I support the desicion that your gobverment propably choose.
PS:For further information, I give you the contact of the minister of foreign affairs in México: http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/236151

President Benn Dover of USA
As stated in my article, comments, forums posts, etc, I feel as though Indonesia just isn't giving Australia the opportunity to become free. Australia has many citizens who want to have a say in their own government, their own economy, and their own society. The major thing limiting this is the huge language barrier that I see in Indonesia.
If Australia becomes its own country, it won't matter which alliance it gets brought into, it only has one border - Indonesia. Many Atlantis countries have been focusing on giving countries that were taken over in Beta their own land back, Indonesia is the only region within region that has been unjustly stopped and supported against upon requesting and declaring a resistance war.
Indonesians should just let Australia go. I feel that if you don't, the relations between PEACE and Atlantis will drop significantly, thus leading to a possible World War II. It can be worked out so that each country has a good amount of resources, too.
It seems like, up until V1, Indonesia hasn't really cared about Australia, and up until this point, they haven't been willing to negotiate feasible terms with Australians.
When N3m0 wrote that article that went something along the lines of "We will give you which land we want, for free, as long as you MPP with Indonesia only", I was sort of infuriated. Such a proposal was obviously not serious not serious, or it would not have been published publicly prior to personal contact of Australian higherups. The only reason N3m0 wrote that article was, in my opinion and opinions of other Atlantis members too, to give Indonesia backbone in the "Well, we tried to give you a peaceful offer" argument.
That is how I feel, and you?
~Benn Dover
~President of the eUS

President Salve of Norway
I am very aware of who you are Isnuwardana, I have always taken a bit of a liking to your approach on the international scene.
I am of the opinion that every nation deserves its freedom, but as your country has a very obvious upperhand in the region I believe you are in the position to dictate your terms. Whatever capacity your sides agree on, I hope that some agreement is reached and I wish you luck with it.
We are working very hard to handle the current Russian debacle and sort out how we are going to resolve the situation, so I am sorry if I must keep my response so brief.
President of Norway

President Tantis of Canada
In the case of Australia under the occupation of Indonesia, what is your opinion regarding this?
Well as a member of ATLANTIS and many friends and supporters in Australia my position and that of my counties is simple we fight for Australians freedom.
And what should Indonesians and Australians do?
hm, well I would like to tel Indonesians to just let Australia have its freedom. And let us help them, but i don't think words will help. So I think that Australia should continue its resistance till they get their Independence and Freedom. For Indonesians Id like to also say leave the Regions that will be occupied by our forces and head home.

President Leireleire of Venezuela
Dear Isnuwardana, thanks to keep in touch regarding this issue.
First of all, in the general discussion here in eVenezuela we are concerned of the situation of both countries, but it seems to be very very far from us in the geographic area, so there are almost no discussion at all about it.
In my personal opinion, I think that australians are people that would like to decide if they want to be conquered and you must give them the choice to be free or stay the way they are rigth now.
In other part, I also think that the Atlantis countries will atack again in order to make an angriest revenge of the lost battles that are just healing these days, so you have the choice of free the people or defend yourseleves again from a biggest attack that will come more potent and organised. I think also that my people could help in the defense, but before I make a complete affirmation to that I have to consult the congress.
I recall, this is my personal and sincere opinion here and I hope you do well in the process.
Best Regards,

President Agentchieftain of Pakistan
(through messenger)
Agentchieftain: hi
Agentchieftain: this is agentchieftain from erepublik
Agentchieftain: i got your message
isnuwardana: hi
isnuwardana: looking your email address, seems familiar 😁
Agentchieftain: yeah
isnuwardana: yeah, i've been asking presidents of erepublik about that
Agentchieftain: i've already talked to your MFA and president about it
isnuwardana: just to see what the opinion of the world on that
Agentchieftain: i sent support to indonesia
isnuwardana: yup, nemo told me too
Agentchieftain: yeah
isnuwardana: we have another negotiation soon though, and we shall see what come out of this
Agentchieftain: alright

President Garabeda of Bulgaria
We think that situation rest as it is now, or Australia gets at most 1 region which Australians to call their home.
However we believe in sovereignty of every country and that every country should exist on the map, one way or another. We think that this will be best for whole eRepublik world.
Best regards,
Garabeda, president of eBulgaria

President Sucko of South Africa
I don't understand why you need my opinion. As is saw Australians tried back their country from you, but they couldn't back it. If you think that we will try to back our regions, we probably won't try to do that. We are really too weak, but, as every country, we would like to back our regions.

President Artur Fabre of Slovakia
Hello congressman Isnuwardana,
the official statement of the Slovak republic in this case: Slovakia respects the sovereignty of Indonesia. Every sovereignty can be limited only by the wish of real domestic citizens, therefore -derived from the real existence of Australians in this game- we understand and support the legitimate right of eAustralia to become an independent state. However by our means this should happen only on an bilateral diplomatic liberation nonaggressive pact/contract.
With regards
Artur Fabre
President of Slovakia

President Shanethe13 of Czech Republic
First of all, I wanted to apologize for the delay in responding to your message. As for the issue, I'm torn as to what should be done. While I believe that Australia deserves to have its country back, I've never, and will never condone an invasion of any sort.
In my opinion, the best course of action would be to negotiate a deal with Australia. If they pay you a sum of gold, form an MPP with Indonesia, or something else of the sort, they will be allowed to take back their nation. You will gain a valuable ally, and Australia will get its country back, with you to thank.
Good luck,

President Nanton of Finland
You should get some conversation and deal with them, so that you can have mutual trust. After that the RW(s) would be better.
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Dapat kita lihat jawabannya bervariasi, mulai dari yang mendukung, ada yang mengancam, namun yang aku lihat ada sebagian yang menganjurkan adanya perundingan lebih lanjut dari pihak Indonesia dan Australia.
Tapi kalau ada yang mau membahasnya, silahkan dilanjutkan pada komentarnya.