Anti-racism action

Day 1,029, 04:11 Published in Czech Republic Israel by Aldameldo

Dear czech people.
The ridiculous opposition came up with a new idea in order to fight the righteous cause of our communist Government. It came up with racism and hate against non-RL czech citizens.

We know where racism will drive them, and hope they will learn it, too:

You'll ask me why I posted that Hitler thing. Well some players said stuff that reminded me the glorious third reich times 😛 Prove?

Es gibt Leute hier die auch Deutsch können! Und jetzt halten Sie bitte das Maul mit Rassismus!

So what can we, democratic and free-thinkers do? Simply follow these lines:
1. Never vote any article with racist content.
2. Report racist articles and comments to the admins.
3. Fight racism back with our comments and articles.


Greetings to the free people
Comrade Aldameldo,
Intelligence Minister of the C.S.R.