Another Week at the Office.....

Day 732, 19:58 Published in USA Poland by Battle Kitten


Victory in Slovakia


Newly appointed Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gaius Julius has successfully led American forces in assisting our allies in the liberation of Western Slovakia. I personally want to commend Gaius Julius for picking up where Eugene Harlot has left off. Under his careful and wise command he helped make the United States military what it is today. Gaius Julius has the experience and knowledge to continue to help our military pursue its excellence and to help it maintain its mission objectives. On a personal note I want to thank Eugene Harlot for his outstanding service. Harlot has done more for the eUSA than anyone else in our history. Although saddened by his retirement, I am hopeful that he will enjoy his much deserved time off.


War Games With Ireland


Today is the commencement of the USA-Ireland war games. These training wars will be going on every other 24 hours for the next 60 days. These battles are extremely important for a variety of reasons. They will allow all American citizens and our allies the opportunity to increase their rank. At the same time they will also allow everyone to get healthy and have high wellness. This will make them more effective workers and soldiers when the time comes to defend the eUSA and fight in other potential wars. Even when we are not fighting our enemies we should always prepare to fight them. All new citizens that are unaware of the basics of fighting should read the following article:

Boot Camp: Basic War Fighting for New Citizens:


United States Ambassador Recruiting


The United States Ambassador program has revamped itself and is making incredible strides in reaching out to foreign nations. We have already received a ton of new recruits that are eager to serve their country both diplomatically and in terms to promoting mutual understanding between other countries. Reports are being filed daily and Dodgercatcher and system0101 are on top of things. I want to commend them on their hard work and the progress they have made in making this program more effective. If you are interested in serving your country on the diplomatic front feel free to contact either Dodgercatcher or system0101 and they will guide you in the application process.

Dodgercatcher: [url][/url]



Education Program Continues to Roll Along


The United States Education Department should be completing its curriculum for new player education by early next week. Now when new players join the game they will have a walk-through available to them that will help them learn the essential tasks they must do to become productive citizens. Serendipitous has been working around the clock to get NAU up and running. James Strife and Jasper Ferguson have worked tirelessly in constructing the new player curriculum and I can hardly wait to present it to both the Congress and the American people for their approval and input. It is essential to have a well informed populace in order to have a productive economy, society and military. I believe this curriculum will help create a more informed and effective citizenry. If you are interested in giving your input in regards to the curriculum or in becoming a mentor please contact James Strife and he will be happy to work with you.

James Strife:


Department of Technology Created


The Department of Technology has been created and PiginZen has been appointed to head this new and highly critical department. As the game advances and our population becomes larger we must be willing to use whatever tools at our disposal in order to make us more effective. The first project of the department of technology has been the creation of of a national database that can track a variety of different variables in regards to the United State's population. This data will allow us to track anything from wellness, rank, to job skills and even party affiliation. This program will allow both our military and varied government departments better serve you in the future.


USA/Portugal Contract Controversy


Lastly, I am sure most of you logged on this morning to ready how we currently owe Portugal 5000 gold for violating our contract with them. At this time I want to make one thing clear to ease any anxiety among the American people. It is the position of the Congressional Budget Office and the United States Government that there was no violation to the terms of our agreement in regards to Portugal and we look forward to working with the Admins in this matter.