Day 1,091, 11:22 Published in North Macedonia North Macedonia by HeraklesMacedon

For long time Macedonia was opressed. For long time Macedonia didnt had its own Independant country. And when Macedonia became independant, it was the youth who achieved that, the ultimate sourse of new ideas and thoughts based from the mistakes of the past. Now the same Macedonian youth achieved another Victory, the making of eMacedonia and guess wasnt easy. We were spread all arround the world without any unity. We helped defend the countries that we loved, that we knew they gonna be our valuable allies when we create our country. Our victory was finaly acieved. Now we have our own country regardless of the other insulting name "FYROM" we have on the end. But the fight isnt over, the fight ha just begun. In few days we are gonna do the Test of our lifes, are we able to defend our eRepublic? I have something to say to our enemies:

WE ARE READY!!! Hail Macedonia, Hail Serbia, Hail Russia, Hail Turkey, HAIL PHOENIX !!!

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