Another Update from the Office of the Quartermaster General

Day 395, 15:41 Published in USA Pakistan by Gates Schellinger

Greetings from the Office of the Quartermaster General.

I would like to thank all of you that read either my or PureLazyPlaya's article, and for all of your kind words.

The last few days have been going smoother for us at the office. We've hired some new War-time Quartermasters, in an effort to get 24 hour supply coverage, and they've performed brilliantly. We don't quite have complete coverage quite yet, but we're getting there. We're still accepting applications for the positions, so if you are interested read the our previous article and fill out the form that we will give you at the bottom.

I would like to address a few things about being supplied. First, I see that some of you say in your comments that you need the weapons right away. We still need your patience, and if you fill out the order, you will recieve your supply as quick as we can possibly get them out to you. We are often waiting on a number of different things, or there is a lack of coverage during the time in which you request your weapons. We're getting faster and more effecient with each passing day and battle, and we hope for a time where the turnaround between the request and the supply is minimal, but that day unfortunately isn't here yet.

Secondly, the word still hasn't got out to all our soldiers about the supply program. I'm still seeing shouts, or people mentioning that they had to fight barehanded. I ask all of you that are reading this article to spread the word around to your fellow soldiers. If you hear a fellow soldier talk of fighting barehanded or not knowing how to get weapons, give them the supply form, or tell them to read these series of articles for more information. If our enemies can find our supply forms and spam our request sheet with their nonsense, then there is no excuse for our fellow soldiers not to know about them. Short of messaging every individual soldier myself I've done what I can do, Please assist us in this endeavour.

Third, Gifting; We do not have an official gifting procedure in place at the moment, but in the cases we have offered gifts was in the even that the soldier was in the mid to high 30's in wellness and needed just a few wellness points to pushe them over the edge so they would be able to fight and heal. There are numerous articles about using proper hosptial strategy to keep at top wellness. This is why we base our Supply strategy based off your wellness, knowing that you lose 10 wellness for each fight, we're able to estimate how many times you should fight, not how many times you can fight. We simply don't have the time. resources or manpower to supply gifts, especially when proper hospital strategy is the best way to keep your wellness at a high level.

Again I'd like to thank you for all your kind words in response to our last article and for your continued patience.

Gates Schellinger
Distribution Officer, Office of the Quartermaster General.