Another Romantic Night with eRepbulik...

Day 631, 13:28 Published in Latvia Latvia by Mushmoon


That’s the sound of me, leaning back in my computer chair, in front of eRepublik and opening a beer.

It has been a tiresome weekend (and week-start!), and I haven’t written anything for a while. I apologize for that.

This weekend, I was on one of Sweden’s (probably Europe’s) biggest Festivals for Reggae music only, the Uppsala Reggae Festival. I guess Reggae is kinda rare on this site, but Bob Marley’s son Ky-Mani Marley was there, amongst others! 🙂
So I lived in a tent during the days, and partied all nights, so… What can I say, it was a fun but rough weekend!

Coming home, and the day after I got 10 m^3 wooden logs to carry. Me and three others took five hours, I know that it’s not the best time but lets say that only two of us really was that active, and one was me!
And of course, one and a half leaping on that, I almost forgot. 🙂

So, now my body doesn’t feel that good… But who cares about the body, when you got eRepublik?

Okay, so back to the game! Firstly, I’d like to thank you all who voted for me as your president, that really was a big compliment for me that you guys would thrust me to rule your country!
The thing is, that on the 5th, I logged in that morning, worked and trained, checked my notifications, and…
My dear Party President dsr9500 decided that I was the best candidate for ULSP, and putted me up for elections! No attacks against you dsr9500, as it turned out to be a really nice sign that 50+ voters supported me (thanks again 🙂 ).

Secondly, I guess I have to comment the rumours of a TO in ULSP. I’ve spoken to dsr9500, and he gave me the simple reason why he and his followers joined ULSP, their party was TOed aswell… The old Friends of Latvia (Nacionaldemokratu Partija today), was TOed aswell, as you might know, so the former members decided to join somewhere else! However, dsr9500 has told me that he will support the election of Nicholas Anatoliovic.

The third man running for Party President, THR33, is a total random person for me. I do not know who he is, or how many voters he got, and that is a bit frightening. So, anyone from ULSP, or who wants to join, I pledge to you to vote for Nicholas Anatoliovic!

Well, these textwalls are going to kill you Latvians someday, but I’d like to dedicate you all a big THANKS for reading, voting, commenting and subscribing!

Also, thank you SpeedKing for the very nice interview!

ALSO, I welcome you to ULSP, and I thank you for your good spirit and engagement!

Well, eLatvia, have a good night in front of eRepublik! I can tell you that I will 🙂

Best Regards


EDIT: Something is wrong atm, the bold text bugs out, I'll fix that later🙂