Day 1,472, 07:31 Published in Greece Greece by Nikolaos D Sklhros

You still can't understand the meaning of the title of this article?
Oh then you don't even know what's happening or you are a troll and the truth hurts you.

The new victim of ONE or better the new victim of FYROM is whο else but...Iran!
A country with a long history as a member of Phoenix and now as a pro-ONE country, now stands in front of losing it's precius resourses because FYROM wants them at all costs.

Does this reminds you something?Someting that happened some months before?
Can you remember? I think that this will make you remember what I am saying.
The situation is the same.FYROM can't win the war against Greece, turns down it's centre in Saoudi Arabia and of course now is asking for resourses from everyone that has territories in Middle East.Who is the obvious owner of these territories?Of course Iran.And the fyromians just like before with Cyprus, they don't ask...they demand what they want and they doesn't care if the other country's in the same side.They are playing like they are gods...But even the gods can bleed in a fake world.

They even demand the bonnuses like gods as you can see here
Who the hell they think they are?
If Iran accepts ANY agreement with such arrogant people, then they should delete their country themselves before someone else does.If Iran has pride, it should keep it..Iran has to change or else it will lose even its original regions from another country because of the lack of resourses.This is the way it goes.

Or you can have the fate of Spain if you want.Spain dooen't want the Turks, dissagreed , and it got deleted cause ONE didn't helped Spain and of course ONE is still not helping Spain in it's wars.The Spanish of course don't admit this but the facts are showing the truth of my words.Now Portugal and Argentina are invading Spain.May you have a good delete again 😛

Serbia and Poland want Turkey and FYROM more than Spain and Iran.Cyprus showed the way and now it's free and conquers day by day Egypt and so it's getting resourses.Spain can have a good delete from the map again and Iran can go to it's hole and stay there misserably for an e-eternity..

However, the Greeks are already fighting for Iran in Red Sea against the fyromian arrogance 🙂Can you stand your ground?

Nikolaos Sklhros