Another newspaper?

Day 866, 12:10 Published in Belgium Belgium by Helviro

Yes another newspaper.


It still seems it is the most effective way to express your opinion, and start sometimes heated discussions.

With the presidential elections comming up, I'm allready somewhat worried. Not about Ragoth, which seems to be the man for the job, with a future vision which i can relate to. What worries me more is that the for this moment only opposing candidate has put up the conquest of Lorraine as one of his goals.

I haven't been on Erepublik all that long, but being here, and being a RL Belgian, neutrality has always been one of the main issues, both in RL as in Erep. ALthough the opposing candidate has a party with only 5 members, it still worries me (considering that this doesn't limit the number of votes 😛).
Relating to RL Belgium, i seem to have a flashback on black sunday in the 90's. RL Belgians who have been some time on this planet will surely know what i mean.

I think that even though everyone has a right of speech, next elections should be a clear statement that Belgian neutrality is the basis of our existence.

Now having said this, I'd like to refer to Ragoths recent publication about his preliminary cabinet.

I hope the good intentions of the last weeks are now put to action. I'm not saying I put all my trust into Ragoth, but rather in the prospectives he projects.

I'll try to keep an eye on the future cabinet, and hopefully will be a finger at the wrist, of the new Belgian Policy.

As from now on, the rainbow will try to be a watchdog about Belgian politics, and will regularily publish an evaluation on the cabinets way of working, even though the English will sometimes be somewhat tacky.