Another month of TUP dictatorship

Day 1,557, 13:43 Published in United Kingdom Brazil by MaximusV

Well it looks like we will have no congress for the 3rd month in a row.

temujin94's exact words on his forum post on the 21st where: "Along with Spain we'll be ONE's main priority tomorrow as we're the nations that have went longest without congress" now thats a laugh ONE have abandoned us we have had no support a few players with Polish citizenship but nothing from ONE they want us in Spain the Uk has been abandoned but still our chances of a congress with ONE are better than without unless we can forum a splinter with some neutrals but thats a story for another article.

Keeping the Bazooka's
Im sure you have all been told to save your bazooka's and energy bars and im sure a few of you have but without using them we have no chance to gain regions before the elections or after when we loose them we have to save and then go mental just before the elections again its not the way

To come back to the point I made quite a while ago

we need to rethink our strategy.

Step .1
Remove mittekemuis as MoD


Step .2
Appoint a more competent player to the position
Not perfect

Step .3
Regroup and rearm in a safe haven (Secure ONE region)
No attempt

Step .4
Plan our assault against our invaders AS invaders
No attempt

Step .5
Unleash Hell

Step .6
Clean up
The Irish, French and Canadians are doing it

At the moment Canada, Ireland And France know we will fight them constantly and that is pushing the capacity of our supply lines if we don't take the time to develop our forces further and attack as one unit in one single crushing blow to send them home let them think they have won then strike back with our combined force and win back the country