Another long Presidential Announcement to wake up eIsrael

Day 1,062, 07:59 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

Ive heard a lot of people say its too quiet here in eIsrael so here I am your president with another long wall of text most of you wont bother to read.

First some economic news.

With the recent proposal to increase the minimum wage and the effects it cause my government immediately began preparing for the worst. We began two considerations for both a temporary economic stabilization and long term economic development.

The two main ideas tossed around where

Government Companies and Subsidies.

Both words eIsrael has had a history with.

We wanted to open up some government training companies to keep new players employed prevent massive job losses and keep cheap food on the market for new players to survive off of. Thing was since eIsrael has had a long history of incompetence in government most of the organization passwords that housed government run companies where lost or not passed on due to greed and lack of organization.

Whats always given a bad name to government run companies in eIsrael is lack of government transparency with them. We never knew who ran or financed them. Both important things to know since they are big money consumers.

Once we realized we would most likely need to open new companies which would cost even more gold we scrapped the idea. That coupled with our belief that too much government involvement with the companies will only harm the private sector. Again this would only of been a temporary thing not long term.

if we had opened them are plan was to have the Minister of Finance or other public government figure (Not some shady behind the scene government goon) run them and release regular reports on the forums or in the form of an article on how the companies where doing. After a trial period of one week if the companies did not show results we would shut the program down if it was showing results we would continue the program or maybe invest more into it depending on the results. Our goal wasnt to compete with the private sector though simply strengthen the overall economy ensure its stability and provide a steady flow of new active experience worked to eventually move on to the private sector.

It was our commitment not to harm the private sector that also stop us from considering more risky ventures such as government sponsored resource companies overseas to create a profit and ship back cheap RM for companies. Again this governments philosophy has always been to stick to the free market system rather then heavy government involvement.

With that scrapped Hoss proposed Subsidies. We werent sure of this idea at first. basically GMs (General Mangers) will fill out an application form we will make requesting some short term government assistance in the form of a grant so they wouldnt have to pay it back. They will have to divulge some information including how many people they employ, where they get their materials, do they sell aborad, how much do they produce on average etc etc. We need to ensure these people are active to be trusted and will use the money to employ eIsraelis and produce goods for the eIsraeli market.

Once we had a clear picture of them we would start off with small amounts of gold or NIS and if they provide information that they used it to expand their work force or production we could continue to provide the money if requested.

The problems we had with this idea is that we werent sure if it would actually produce concrete results. We would of started off with small amounts that might not of made the difference because we feared giving too much money to some private sector GM whos main incentive is to make profit for himself.

These where economic ideas being tossed around and I wanted people to know what we have been doing. Both ideas are shelved for the time being until more consideration and planning takes place. We also have something on the table that will help the economy without too much government involvement. This I will talk about later in the article if your still reading by then.

Now the eIDF. We have appointed a new general. Pantherthug89. He was highly recommended by his former superiors and other top officials. He has the experience hes active and he can be trusted to get the job done right. He will serve under the newly appointed Minister of Defense Aeroner.

Aeroner has recently requested an eIDF budget of around 5k NIS. Better for us its in NIS then gold as we have plenty of it and it will ensure he uses it to purchase what he needs locally. He ha provided us with a budget for how he will allocate the funds and because of his commitment we will most likely grant him the funds shortly.

These are all part of the new eIDF reorganization efforts. If you havent read it yet my proposed and now accepted reform plan is available on the national forums. Basically we expanded the leadership to ensure its not all structured around one individual.

Thats been the problem with the old eIDFs. We always had only ONE capable person in charge who did everliving and once that person is gone the whole thing collapses (Philip,Maelyn) We need a stable long term eIDF not a short term one.

Under the Ministry of the Interior we are reinvigorating the mentorship program to help new players. Yuvy is in charge of this and more information regarding it will be released via article and forum topics.

This program will work together with the Ambassador and Internship programs to build a strong more active community of players.

In an attempt to increase or base of active players here in eIsrael we will be launching a series of adds and articles in a variety of different countries in order to attract some new active players to stimulate our dying community. If we got not even 5 new active players that would make all the difference.

I hope everyone is pleased with the new battles and MPPs. We might sign one more MPP. We dont want to empty the treasury too much.

And with that Im done. I hope ive been doing a satisfactory job as President.
