Another day in eParadise? WRONG

Day 730, 23:46 Published in Netherlands USA by Mitch Rapp

You would say it is just another day in our little eParadise. Nothing wrong, nothing changed, I mean there isn’t anything in our news or any big announcements from the government. Right? WRONG, the UNL has left PEACE and is now alone!!! The biggest decision ever in our history has been made and if you didn’t read the forum ( or come on IRC, as many of you don’t, you wouldn’t know this.

We have abandoned our Allies such France, Germany, Brazil and Portugal by leaving PEACE. Telling them that they aren’t good enough to be our friends. These people that voted NO rather have powers like Hungary who are too easily distracted and frankly doing wrong things at the moment (invasion of allied Austria).

Instead of having guaranteed support from our Allies in PEACE we now have promises from countries they don’t have to keep those promises. If something more in their own interest comes up at the same time they will simply ignore us. And people seemed to forget that 6 months Germany and the UK where our enemies. Now they are friends but for how long? Will they still try and protect us then?

Here you can see who you can thank for that:

Here you can see the discussion that only started after people had already voted. People were unaware that the vote wasn’t just about the charter but it clearly says on the PEACE forum (accessible to anyone) that saying NO to this would mean that you leave PEACE. Something we have done.