Another brick in the wall

Day 776, 06:05 Published in Norway Norway by Sebulba
It all started on this fine afternoon, when Andreas Stassivik decided he wanted to get Eris Caelestis for President of Norway - whatever the cost. What was on stake? Friendship between parties, respect between politicians, and the integrity of the at the time biggest party of Norway.

Prior to his election speech, ad-homonym attacks and lies about other parties had not been seen for months, but he so gracefully chose to toss the glove. He wanted war - and war he received.

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caught of guard

Binary Party were caught with their guard down. They thought the TT of yesteryear was far gone, and a new, improved and sensible Party were emerged out of the dust settling after eNorway merged with Finland. How wrong we were.

It was presented to the citizens, from Stassis newly sharpened pen, that Cirno was not good enough. Apparently, he had neglected his responsibilities as president, and one were under the impression he was a cough away from being impeached. The president of eNorway at the time, was disgusted by these accusations, and tried to defend himself as politely he could. It was later on presented that what was written in the article, was not meant as a personal attack, however, the damage was already done.

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sad day for eNorway

The article held ground, and stands there still today, manifesting the day TT declared war against their opponent - for what? Personal glory and satisfaction? Mind you, before this day, cooperation between Binary Party and Teknokratene had been fine, and the politicians on both sides respected each other. But on this sad day, Teknokratene revealed their true self. They ran their president election on pretty much the same issues as Binary Party had the month before, and most of them only said "Continue to..."

The exceptions were few, but seemingly quite tactically done. It just happened to be the two issues both Demokratene and Kapitalist Partiet had fronted the week before - one each - and it just happened to be that both of the parties failed to present a President candidate, most likely to the new rules for running a President candidate. Not surprisingly, TT's president received a lot of votes, and went ahead and won the election. I can only imagine the disappointment from Demokratene and Kapitalist Partiet, when they find themselves without a congress forum open to write in for the average citizen, nor have public voting system been much of an issue.

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turning the tables

All attempts from Binary Party to defend from the countless attacks from TT, has been turned around. It has been claimed that this was not a defensive action, but a hostile attack, making TT appear as the victim in this process. However, there were still being produced article after article, ridiculing Binary Party in an offensive manner - but still, right in the open, claiming to be the victim, and only trying to defend themselves from Binary Party’s ... well - responses. Even old Teknokrats awoke from the dead, to take part in this campaign to make the, now biggest party of eNorway, to look bad.

Factual errors were made out to be the truth it wasn't, and the President of TT even went as far as drawing a ridiculing cartoon on the expense of Binary Party. All of this was still being presented as an attempt to defend their innocence, even if he in 1.493 words had gone on and on with insult after insult towards the Binary Party.

Questions about the government were met with anger and accusations. 14 days after the president elections, there was a question about how things were looking in regards to the minister of Finance. The answer was not as polite one might have though, rather a hostile one (and I quote);

"It has become apparent that the hostile sentiment Binary Party is brewing against my party must be met with greater force since BP has coordinated a smear campaign to derail Teknokratene's operations."

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despicable tactics

As mentioned before, the president of TT presented a 1.493 word long insult towards the Binary Party, before he just at the end, made a plea to cooperate in the upcoming President election. There is a possible threat in the form of a Political takeover Political Takeover. By doing things this way, they produced themselves a great opportunity to blame the Binary Party if the negotiations stranded, pointing back at this article.

Before this sickening article was presented, Binary Party had internally nominated, proposed and discussed who the best man for the upcoming election would be, and Eha Pappkriger was sought to be the best candidate available in the party. And to no surprise, when Eha was revealed as our candidate, the response from TT was basically;

We will not support Eha Pappkriger as President.

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They also demanded a contract, stating that in a similar situation in the future, TT would get the president by default. So much for democracy. Of the two parties, Binary Party is the biggest one, and by far the most active party, with the most active players. This is quite well represented in congress as well. Still, TT has the nerve to dictate that we can't run Eha as president, and they want a free president period somewhere down the line. All of this from the very same Party, that during the last congressional election wanted to bring in EDEN to hand out votes, resulting in pushing at least one of the Binary Party candidates out of the list, in favour of one of their own. So to witness TT pointing the finger at Binary Party is quite frankly a bit strange.

the hypocrisy

Over two articles, an old TT giant returns from hibernate, pointing fingers, and asking if we all can't be friends, luring out a few insults on his way as well, in various comments scattered all over.

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This is all very fine and dandy, however, last night the Party President of Teknokratene produces yet another campaign against the biggest and most active political party, loosely based on his vivid imagination and perception of facts - blaming it all on the Binary Party. This is yet another pitiful attempt to turn the Norwegian citizens against us, claiming to be the innocent victims in a dirty campaign they started themselves, and are trying to end by turning people against the Binary Party. Enough already! Get off our backs! Stop the lying! Stop the deceptions. Stop rewriting history! Stop chasing your own glory, dragging eNorway down the drain with it...

The question now is; was it worth it? Was getting Eris elected worth the can of worms you opened? Was it worth jeopardizing national security, friendship, cooperation and a good experience living in eNorway? Are you happy, now that you can spew your hateful articles, disguising it as defensive actions?

I hope citizens of Norway who have been deceived, will be able to see what this party and the poisonous novelists of theirs really are...


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The article is written from my perception of things, and may divert slightly from others perception of reality.