Another article about censorship

Day 1,193, 12:27 Published in South Africa South Africa by Bobady zoo

If we look at the history of South Africa, there is one piece of history that often jumps to the mind of many. That is the policy of apartheid implemented by the white minority government during part of the 20th century. Censorship was very much part of the policy; people were not allowed to criticize the government of release information that could have weakened the government. Newspapers were checked in order to ensure that the information being distributed was what the government wanted to be released.

For the above mentioned reason, freedom of speech is considered vital and precious to many South Africans, something many will fight to ensure it stays. Freedom of Speech and its limits are often a hotly debated topic. Recent actions by the South African government to infringe on almost absolute freedom of speech received a major uproar. We love our freedom of speech.

So I scroll down to see the latest articles out and I notice a series of articles headlined “Admin” that I had read earlier, had been deleted. I then searched for the names of the authors only to see that they had been temporarily banned. Now this is not something new to the erepublik world; it was something that was heavily protested against until the administrators relaxed their censorship, but clearly it is back in full swing.

According to article 9 of the Universal Declaration of Human rights “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. “ Each and every person has the right to freedom of speech, the right to express their own opinions. Sadly however this right is often interfered with.

This is a case, in the world of erepublik, where that very right was infringed upon. Those who wrote the articles had every right to criticize the admins, the same way that we can criticize our governments. If I am not pleased with changes, I will make my voice heard; I have that right. But sadly censorship will rear its ugly head.

Censorship is often a propaganda technique; often used to hide the truth so people remain ignorant. I, and many others, will not let this continue and will continue fighting to preserve freedom of speech. Many people have lost their lives fighting for freedom of speech; the least we can do is refuse to accept this censorship. We will not be silenced!

I may get a temp ban for this but I don’t really care. Freedom of Speech is a right we must continue to fight to preserve. Any case of censorship must be met with an uproar all over the eWorld, showing that we will not accept it. I demand that we be granted this most basic right. I will speak my mind, as will all those who cherish freedom of speech.