Announcing the one and only ePlaygirl!

Day 399, 17:29 Published in USA United Kingdom by Meghan

This is my first article on eRepublik! Yeah! I'm announcing the creation of ePlaygirl.

Like the real Playgirl ePlaygirl will include "thought provoking" articles with some risque photographs of highly attractive men for the female and homosexual or bi-curious male members of eRepublik.

But really, like any other newspaper on eRepublik, this paper will address only the issues I care about from my point of view only and will most likely be incredibly biased. Hey at least I'm being honest. Most articles will be short and to the point (because that's how I write) and will be from a refreshing female point of view (because that's what I am...a refreshing female).

And as a sterotypically annoying girl I have quite a bit to say, so here it is the brand new ePlaygirl!!!!

~~~ePlaygirl, a dirty paper with Fox News!~~~