Announcing the Creation of STAR

Day 1,096, 10:54 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

Hello eIsrael and any international readers. Today I am happy to announce to creation of something truly grand. After much hard work and dedication we will be unveiling the fruits of our labor.

That is the new alliance STAR (Strategic Treaty of Alliance Reconciliation)

This Alliance is the product of Joe Franco, a prominent eIsraeli Citizen.

The following countries are founders with the President who will be signing the treaty:

Israel - Gavin Wax
Colombia - fdo_dr
Denmark - Hurkancs
India - Iseutz
New Zealand - Calbe
North Korea - Meifawan
Phillipines - Jelly94873
Singapore - Thedark Ace
South Africa - Alphatrion
Venezuela - Uzeilg

Here is the current draft the The treaty of STAR which is still in development:

This alliance's goals are simple. We aim to create a true bond between all member states. To work hard to help one another achieve our goals. This alliance isnt aimed at competing with other established international organizations. Once the treaty is signed a internal government will begin to be put in place and the organization to help promote this such as Forums and IRC have already been established. We have been conducting regular meetings with the various foreign dignitaries and we have a lot of plans for expansion and making this alliance truly something spectacular. We expect to begin accepting new non founder members very soon.

More information about this will be announced soon this is an announcement article to inform the eIsraeli Public of the work that has been done.

None of this would of been possible without Joe Franco. Another person I wish to mention who contributed significantly is matan9010.

Thank You


Am Yisrael Chai