Announcing that I am running for party President of the Likud Party

Day 631, 15:40 Published in Israel USA by Aeroner

Hello Israel.

In the past week, tempers have been flaring over the situation that is the MPP with Turkey. Both sides are saying that they are right, and that we should take this approach to relations with Turkey.

Many of you have seen my own posts in the newspaper and IRC on my stance on the issue. I have realized after talking with Buzzy, that I have made an incredible mistake. I was so blinded by my hatred of Turkey, I didn't stop at all to look at the facts. I have realized that even though Turkey was an agressor in the path, an MPP could be a good thing, and that Greece might not have helped us as much as some of us think. However, I do not completely support an MPP with Tukey. They have proved to be the agressor, and they have controlled our regions. But they also swallowed their pride and asked for an alliance. But I still cannot fully support it. I have chosen to take a more neutral approach. there are very good arguements on both sides. Very good. I agree with both sides in some aspects,and wholeheartedly disagree with others. Do not think that I want an easy way out allying with Turkey. And do not think that I would rather be in the winning side and I fully support this MPP. Because I don't. I am of two minds about it. As I said before, I have listened to both sides of the arguement, and the neutral path is the one I am taking. Let's face it, this could be a good thing for Israel, but it could be a very bad thing too.Only time will tell if we made the right decision.And please, to all of the troublemakers like JTMan( the one with the jokes) please stop. If you want to voice your opinion, do so with respect. Because Buzzy deserves it.

I think that the MPP with Turkey was discussed at length in the last paragraph. So now I wll move onto foreign relations in genral. My stance on this is that if a nation wants to make friends with Israel, it should be welcomed. But we still have to look into the consequences of any action. With the world at war, making an alliance or enemy with a certain nation can mean life and death. This aspect of political life is especially important, and needs to be taken very seriously, even with the smallest of alliances and actions.

Moving on, I am running for Party Presidency. If I am elected, I will most definitely try to be as active as I can, asking what people think of any situation currently at hand. I will always listen to the opinions of the party members, and what they want their Party president to put out, and what they want him to take out. But that is of course, if you elect me.

I really think I could do a really good job as Party President. I know I am not as experienced as my predeccessor or the people I am running against. But I do think that I can do a great job, regardless of my experience as an eRepublik player.

Please, give me a chance.

Because a united party, is a strong party.

This is Aeroner. Good night.