Announcing my Intent To Run For President

Day 1,045, 12:02 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

Hello eIsrael I would like to announce my Intent to run for country president in the upcoming elections on the Israel First Ticket.

A brief summary of my platform.

Foreign Policy:

-Maintain strong relations with our new EDEN Allies (Thanks dean) as well as continued support for our ONE Allies on a country by country basis.

- Maintain a strong relationship with USA and other Brolliance member states on a country by country basis.

- Promoting Regional peace and strong relations between Greece Turkey Israel and soon Cyprus.


- Promoting Fiscal responsibility in my government. Set budgets with knesset approval and oversight.

- Increased grain Import Taxes to protect Israeli Businesses.

- Reorganization and proper funding of government training companies to promote jobs and productivity for newer players so they can eventually become an integral part of our workforce.


- Fixing/Creating a new national forum that is truly Bilingual friendly and well organized/maintained. The current national forums that have been made are not sufficient to properly run the government and are not truly Bilingual or fair to non Hebrew Speakers. I would suggest the creation of a new forum or a major major overhaul in the current one.

- Creation of a mentor Program to help new players. This Idea is constantly talked about in elections but rarely does it lead to anything. I would put great emphasis ensuring it is a well organized program that helps new players establish themselves.

- Government transparency. I will ensure no one is left out of the loop in government affairs with regular government announcements.

- Continued efforts to increase the population of Israel through immigration and a babyboom.

- Restart Internship programs and other government positions for newer players to get involved help out and become active members of Israeli society.


- Well funded and supported eIDF. Including active recruitment efforts in the form of government funded adds and news articles.

Well thats everything in brief. I would be happy to answer your points, questions, comments, or concerns regarding my platform. Im flexible and things in my platform are subject to change depending on the state of Israel or new changes to the game.

As For My experience:

- Former Minister of Foreign Affairs
- Former Minister of Trade
- Current Minister of Exterior Affairs
- Former Speaker of the Knesset
- Multiple Term Knesset Member
- Former Knesset Defense Chair
- Former member of eIDF High Command
- Various Internships and positions within eIDF
- UZP Party President
- Acting party president of Israel First
- Various positions within UZP and UZSP

Ask anyone who has worked with me that im an active hard working player. I will serve this nation to the best of my abilities.

Am Yisrael Chai