Announcing my candidacy for the party president in Red Resistance Front

Day 451, 03:18 Published in Romania Russia by Maksim Chuikov

Good day, comrades!

Let me begin by introducing myself to those who still don't know me. I'm Maksim Chuikov, I've been a party member since the revolt against eNorweigan occupation and have been ever since. I've been working in the past few weeks as the RRF representive to the Internationale. After our latest loss of veteran members, I've been asked to run for the party president position.

I've been working on a new party program for quite sometime now and what better way to introduce it to the members of the Red Resistance Front then in my announcement. In the past few weeks the RRF has been loosing a lot of workers from our people's operated GOSPLAN program. This major set-back has forced our economical directors to begin hiring eRomanian workforce, with equal wages to the capitalists companies. I belive the GOSPLAN program is the greatest asset not just the RRF possess, but all the Communist parties in Europe.

I belive that we should take a new step to the world revolution, with this new step I'm talking about focusing on an internationally Communist operated economical program to help each other out and strengthen our parties. It is clear that we can not continue operating the GOSPLAN the way we are doing now. Our economical directors have been forced to shut down various sections of the program, due to the lack of resources. The entire idea of GOSPLAN was to pay the workers in commodities, not currency. This worked very well for sometime. We produced a lot of commodities, such as food, moving tickets, weapons and even houses and sold them on the market for minimum price. This could still work, but now it requires international help. My proposal is to focus on the Internationale, establishment of an economical-agreement between the Communist parties of Europe to once again, use the GOSPLAN to flood the markets with cheap commodities. This would not just help Militant radical left-wing organisations in their fight against the bourgeoise, but it would also strengthen the ties between the Communist parties in Europe!

Here's a list on my party program:
- Establishment of an international economical-agreement between various Communist parties.
- Work different strategies to get the GOSPLAN program back on track.
- More work in uniting the Communist parties in the Internationale.
- Establishment of a new, active media section in RRF.
- Liberation of eRussia.

- Revolutionary greetings,
Maksim Chuikov!