Announcing my candidacy for the bourgeoise Congress.

Day 578, 05:01 Published in Russia Russia by Maksim Chuikov


For too long has the Communist Party of Soviet Union, the vanguard of the international movement been inactive! However, as over one year ago when the revolution of the people had finally struck eRussia, radical changes, in favour of the people immediately started taking place. I'm talking about sharing the wealth of the natural resources the capitalists owned, I'm talking about the houses and moving tickets that weren't anywhere to be found, simply put, I'm talking about the planned economy, the Gosplan. This planned economy was the greatest achievement of the workers and soldiers of the CPSU. By voting for me you are voting for a strong and effective workers owned and controlled planned economy!

With the inner-party elections behind us, it's finally time to start racing for power again! We will continue with opening the Gosplan, we will continue producing the cheapest products available in eRussia, we will continue the class struggle that is growing day-by-day across the eWorld!

I'm running for the Congress to fight for the workers and soldiers cause of an equal, just and free world! The party will continue to grow effectively to the point where we will become the majority in the Congress and finalize the workers' state.

Commissar of Trade and Labor,
Head editor of the Daily Commune,
Maksim Chuikov.