Announcing my Candidacy for Party President of the African National Alliance

Day 658, 21:45 Published in South Africa Israel by Amun Nefer

Hello eSouth Africa, Amun Nefer here. I am here today to talk about righting a great wrong in this enation and this game, Ajay Bruno, the president of the African National Alliance has too long dragged our party's name through the mud, first with his attempted PTO of the Conservative Liberty Party which failed leaving his utterly humiliated in the eUS. After making several unfriendly and downright rude remarks to and about Supreme Leader Emerick, Ajay came to eSouth Africa and immediately started to first step on toes and then to insult directly, most every member of the eSouth African government including our beloved Ines Schumacher.

Needless to say with this fellow at our helm our party is destined to only be a laughing stock in the eyes of the eSouth African people. I've been with this party since before its migration here, and I've watched its leader only become worse and worse. People of the African National Alliance, it's time for a change.

That is why I am announcing my candidacy for Party President of the African National Alliance. I promise a new day for the ANA when it will no longer be looked down upon and considered a lollercoaster, when people can call themselves members in IRC without being told to GTFO. I promise to win our party something it has lacked since its inception... respect. Respect of the eSouth African people, respect from the government and respect from people around the world.

Gentlemen and gentlemen posing as ladies, I am Amun Nefer and in the words of the great Jaxon Leith who came before me, I would like to apply for the African National Alliance Party President Position.