Announcing my Candidacy and Asking for your Input

Day 483, 19:00 Published in USA USA by HeadmistressTalia

I'm taking this time to announce that I am running for a third term representing the great state of Montana. I hope to keep standing up for what is right and letting you know what I've done.

A lot has happened in the past month - new taxes, a war, and a LOT of political strife. But I don't think all the infighting is bad - it gives us a chance to looks at an issue from ALL sides, and hopefully make a more informed decision. Better some fighting than groupthink, I believe.

But if I'm going to represent you, I need to know what your thoughts are - what should congress pursue during the next month? What do you think needs fixing?

As always, I welcome all of your input - you've changed my mind more than once!