Announcements regarding Government Companies, MoD, and a lot of other stuff

Day 1,073, 12:37 Published in Israel Israel by Gavin Wax

Okay guys quick hastily written article to keep you all informed. I want to eat my bagel so im writing this in a rush.

1- Government companies

I have no intention to institute a government run company program during my presidency unless the budget allows for it, its not long term, and it does not aim to compete with the private sector (IE Training Companies or eIDF Companies to improve self sufficiency) both of those ideas however I believe the private market could fulfill on its own just aswell if not better. This is my governments official position on this issue. Any companies claiming to be government run without my official say so are lies and have received no official approval or funding in any way.

2- Ministry of Defense of eIDF Affairs. I have granted the eIDF A budget of 5k with an additional 15k tops pending if needed. We issued the budget in NIS to force the eIDF to buy local and stimulate the economy. This money will go towards food weapons and moving tickets mainly for the Mobile Forces.

In other news the New Minister of Defense is Matan9010. he is a great guy with much experience serving as a former vice president among other things. He has worked in the eIDF beofre and the AoZ. He will do a great job and I have much faith in him.

3- The Knesset activity is going great. Im glad to see so many sign up on the forums and get active. Great work guys keep it up. Congrats to yuvy on his victory in the SoK Election aswell as Hoss. I know they will do a good job.

4- Im still amazed by some people claiming we must move back to the old forums and destroy all the progress that has been made in reviving the eIsraeli community. These new forums brought life back into eIsrael. Revived our community. The forums are larger then those old ones ever where and more active then they ever where in half the time. The Knesset is almost entirely signed up to these new forums and is active in discussions etc as well as the rest of the government. Most of the people calling to move back to the old forums are hypocrites as they are signed up on the new ones and use them more. No one is even active at the old forums. There havent been posts there in DAYS. Whoever wants to move back their is OUT OF THEIR MINDS. And is not acting on the best interests of eIsrael.

5- Romanian MPP. Zaib atsu was able to donate 25 gold to help seal the deal we should all be thankful of that. I negotiated this in order to provide eIsrael with more protection and battles to fight in so enjoy.

Alright now like I said back to the bagel eating. Its a slightly toasted plain bagel with cream cheese and lox. And I got those rainbow cookies. You know the stacked ons that are red yellow and green with chocolate on top. Its like an orgasm to the mouth.

If I remember what I was going to say Ill edit this up some more.




7- No government companies have been created or funded. What yuvy did is to be considered a private venture with no approval or funding, Im very upset and will talk with him personally.

6- This brings me to another matter of discussion. My Cabinet. If Re elected My entire cabinet will be wiped clean and start fresh. I made many mistakes with my appointments and I have not been happy with my cabinet and its performances at all. Im aslo upset yuvy a member of my cabinet ran for SoK while still being a Minister and decided the first course of action was to demand we move back tot he old broken forums that have done us nothing. Move from the forums he helped me set up? I will leave it at that to refrain from this turning into a trash talking topic.