Announcements (Columbus/Contest)

Day 266, 09:30 Published in USA USA by Royamen

Dear readers, both humble and proud, both thoughtful and acting, I have two announcements to make. One is that we have reached 21 subscribers to Truth, and so our next writing contest will start very soon. As you know though, we are in another political season for the local elections and so because of that, I will not start the contest until all the hubbub about elections dies down. Namely, the day after the election.

Second announcement has to do with that election. I know that most of the readers of this paper do not live in Columbus, so this may seem irrelevant to you, but its something happening with me, so I will tell you about it. I am running for the mayorship of Columbus. I seem to have a decent ability to network and get funding when its needed for what I think would benefit the people.

So if you do live in Columbus i would be honored to have your vote, and if you have any questions or advice for me, please let me know, I always want to listen to you, the people of this great land and more specifically right now, Columbus. Once again, thanks for reading my rants.

And finally, a thank to Archibald our great president and the federal government for putting up the 250USD for our next writing contest. They have shown their commitment to the arts.

Until Next Time, Royamen