announcement changed - new masterplan

Day 1,576, 17:45 Published in Russia Germany by eisenmutter2

Big compensation from Plato - wait a second he changed his mind

the announcement of Plato changed a little (at least i think there is sth new. see the bold part in brackets):
"During day 1578 the houses from your storage will be migrated into the new Health Building. If you have more houses than this building can compensate you will receive currency for each extra house. The amount of currency is based on the global average prices (just bought offers) on the marketplace in the last seven days."

are we?

so now you wont be compensated big money if you just raise all offers of houses to maximum. now its a little more tricky:

at least one state (because the state has loads of unused money anyways) has to buy at least one offer at maximum possible price for every quality of houses.

just do it