Anime song of the month- February 2014 (results)

Day 2,280, 02:43 Published in Japan Belgium by sto kila bazuki

After three days of voting the time has finally come to announce the winner. But before that I want to thank all of you for participating in this event and for your support, I hope that you will continue to support upcoming event organized and held by the Otaku party. Next one in the line is the Game of the month event which will be held next week, please support this event and others as you supported this.

I have to say all songs were beautiful, so most of the ones who voted had hard time choosing.
And now the time you all have been eagerly waiting for, ladies and gentlemen, the winner for Anime Song of the Month February is Ghost In The Shell- Inner Universe, nominated by sto kila bazuki


I would like to use this opportunity to invite you (anime/manga fans and others ) to join our party.