Anime Music(Day 2,137)

Day 2,137, 06:23 Published in Japan Belgium by sto kila bazuki

For today we have:

Everything has start so we start with opening.
The world
Anime: Death Note
Artist: Nightmare (band)

Brothers chase
Anime: Tekkon Kinkreet
Artist: Plaid (band)
This song was suggested by Turt037. Thanks for the support 😁
Aruarian dance
Anime: Samurai Champloo
Artist: Nujabes (RIP)
Main Theme
Anime: Fairy tail
Composer: Yasuharu Takanashi
Anime: D.Grey Man
Artist: Nirgilis (band)

Yesterdays question of the day: What anime character would you like to be?
Best answer by Aryzn: コイキング (Magikarp)

Oh and also
you can have all the cookies

That will be all for today. Don't forget to vote and subscribe.
Today's question of the day: Which anime character you find most hilarious?
If you have song or question just post it in the comments and also dont forget to answer the question.
See you next time, bye.