Angst Winterblest VIE presidendiks! / Angst Winterblest for VIE's president!

Day 632, 11:02 Published in Estonia Estonia by Angst Winterblest
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Minu esimene ametiaeg erakonna Vaba ja Iseseisev Eesti presidendina on jõudmas lõpule. Tol korral tuli võit kergelt - ükski muu kandidaat ei omanud reaalset kohalolekut eEesti kommuunis. Lubades arendada VIE ideoloogilist põhja jõudsin VIE põhikirjani. VIE finantseeris (tegin seda lubamatult omavoliliselt, mis enam ei kordu) ka kampaaniat artiklile "Osale eEestis", mis kutsus üles inimesi kasutama eEesti foorumeid ja IRC-i.

Oma eelmises platvormis tunnistasin VIE mõneti ebaausat arvulist eelist (palju liikmeid, ent vähesed neist poliitiliselt aktiivsed). VIE põhikirjaga lootsin õhutada inimesi omale sobivamaid erakondi valima (seega VIE-st lahkuma), mis kahjuks ebaõnnestus - ka minu ametiajal oleme jätkuvalt olnud arvuliselt suurim, samas aktiivsuselt (eelkõige foorumis ja IRC-s) väikseim partei eEestis.

Kindlasti võis mõnele silma jääda, et viimastel kongressivalimistel ei olnud VIE esindatud kõigis regioonides. Selle "probleemi" lahendamiseks ei teinud ma regioonivalimist soovitavast artiklist rohkemat - mul on hea meel, et VIE sai selle tulemusena omale vähem õigustamata kongressikohti, tugevdades oma positsiooni.

Minu suurim prohmakas oli ehk presidendikandidaadivalimine - tegu oli kiirustatud ja osati ebademokraatliku protsessiga, mis oli põhjustatud nii minupoolsest eraelulisest ajapuudusest kui ka VIE liikmete vähesest aktiivsusest eEesti foorumis (kus asub, avalikult, ka VIE foorum).

Oma valimislubaduseks ütlen vaid üht - luban õppida vigadest. Luues VIE-le poliitilise tuumikkonna ning nimetades ametisse aktiivse juhtkonna loodan teha VIE-d mitte ainult edukamaks, vaid ka eeskujulikumaks teistele.

Angst Winterblest,
Riigikogu liige ning esimees,
Partei "Vaba ja Iseseisev Eesti" president


My first term as president of the political party Free and Independent Estonia (Vaba ja Iseseisev Eesti, VIE) is coming to an end. The last time my victory was easy - none of the other candidates had any real presence in the eEstonian community. My promise to further the ideological background of VIE led me to create VIE's statute. VIE financed (I was not authorized to by other members of the party, which is unacceptable and will not happen again) the campaign for the article "Take part in eEstonia", which called for people to use the eEstonian forums and IRC.

With my previous platform I admitted the somewhat unfair numerical advantage of VIE (many members, yet very few politically active). With VIE's statute I hoped to pursue members to pick themselves a more suitable party (therefore leaving VIE), however, I failed - during by term we have continued to be the largest in number, but smallest in activity (especially concerning forums and IRC).

Some of you might've noticed that during the last congressional elections VIE did not have representatives in all slots in all regions. To solve that 'problem' I did nothing more than create an article advising candidates to pick themselves a more suitable region - I am glad that partly due to my minimal actions VIE took fewer unjustified seats in the Congress, therefore strengthening its position.

My maybe largest letdown was the election of our presidential candidate - both due to my personal lack of time and the low activity of VIE's members in the eEstonian forums (where, publicly, the VIE forums also reside) it was conducted hastily and maybe even undemocratically.

I have only one campaign promise - I promise to learn from mistakes. By establishing a political core of the party and appointing an active party cabinet I hope to make VIE not only more successful, but more exemplary to others.

Angst Winterblest,
Member and Speaker of the eEstonian Congress,
President of the political party "Free and Independent Estonia (VIE)"