Angrr. Congressman. Kyushu....Smart Choice.

Day 825, 00:51 Published in Japan Japan by Angrr

Citizens of eJapan.

My name is Angrr.
I am the current Party President of the Ronin, a cabinet member, and a dedicated citizen of eJapan.
I have served in almost every government position including Vice President and Minister of Foreign Affairs. I am a 5-time congressman, 2-time Mayor (I am THAT old!) and have run successful companies in almost every field.
I have long fought for the rights of the average citizen, and spent most of my time (and gold) promoting teamwork and unity, assisting your fellow citizens.

I have long sought ways to improve the country. My party was created for just this reason. I believe that everyone should have a voice and that government should be accessible to everyone.
I have decided to throw my hat back into the ring and run for election in the upcoming congress elections.

I believe that a level-head and common sense are all that you need to be a good congressman, and I hope that my past actions and current activity shows that I possess these.
What I intend to do if elected, is bring the actions of congress to the people. I will publish an update regularily in easy-to-understand language that encourages beginners to join the discussion process, and explain each vote and the differing points of views presented.
What I hope to provide is a step-by-step guide to being a congressman. Something that anyone can read, and go into the next months elections properly informed of what is required, and how to achieve success.

These are grand plans, and will work much better with me actually in congress.

Of course, I will - as always - faithfully serve my country to the best of my ability as a congressman too.

As the Ronin is outwith the top-5 positions, I will be running under the Imperial Sun Party as I look to secure a seat in Kyushu.

Citizens of Kyushu, I ask for your vote on election day.

Party President, the Ronin.">