
Day 968, 03:24 Published in Malaysia Malaysia by Amli Nujhan

It’s not a convenience if I put heavy articles in a continuous sequence.
While you are sitting there digesting the little ideas on Democracy and ‘Permanent War Economy’, just let me entertain you with an anecdote before I proceed to some other topic in days to come.

This is a tale of a rather well known person of the Middle East medieval period. I don’t have to mention his name here, as you won’t know him either.

The story was when he was young and looking forward for a wise man so that he can learn something. He found the man.
“You are not ready,”… the wise man said.
Yet, the young guy was so eager to be the follower of the wise man. He gave many assurance and showed full esteem. Being tolerance with the young, the wise man made no difficulties to accept the request.
“I am going to the Holy City, you follow me.” The young man was so excitedly happy.
“Because we are now traveling together, one of us should be the leader,” said the wise man.
“You choose to be what?” asked the wise man further.
“I just follow, you lead the way.” Surely that was the answer.
“Surely I will lead, as long you know how to be a follower.”

They began their journey right away. It wasn’t a luxurious trip by a first class cruise, but hundred kilometers journey on the barren and desertscape by foot. That night, while they were resting for the night, suddenly it was raining heavily. The wise man sprang to his feet, taking off his cloak and then covered his young disciple.
“But, it was me who supposed to do that to you,” said the young man in puzzled.
“I order you to let me protect you!” said the mentor.

The next morning, the young man came to the wise saying, “This is a new day. Now permit me to be the leader, and you are the follower.” Well, the wise man just agreed.
“I will gather wood, you just stay put here,” proposed the young man.
“No, you cannot do that!” replied the wise.
“A follower should not let himself to be pampered by the leader.”

The story went on till they split at the gate of the Holy City. By that time the young man didn’t even dare to lift his face anymore.