And you have the right to ...

Day 1,127, 09:40 Published in Romania Romania by Gray

PS: Maybe them admins would need a crash course in this as well, Hell, they might be breaking it while deciding what is an "illegal public debate" and not realize there is no such thing as an "illegal public debate" in any democratic judicial system.

There is no "Contract" or "Terms of Service" which can go above these.

Nu de alta dar si Ro si Irlanda [care vad ca apare acum in ToR] sunt semnatare adicatelea legislatia este scrisa ca sa respecte ce zice mai sus [inclusiv dreptul civil si comercial]. Adicatelea see video ; ) .

PS: for any complaints if your rights are not respected.
And remember, it is your right to complain.

PPS: Dap, stiu ca o sa stergeti asta : D. De aia fac si copy si print screen. And i'll post again.