And the winners are...

Day 954, 10:55 Published in Canada Canada by frankypicoto

My dear readers, I am pleased to announce that">yesterday was a big success. For those that missed out, I am sorry but not to worry 'cause the next eRemembrance Day is only four months away! 😛

I wish to thank you all for reading, voting, subscribing and writing articles about this. If it weren't for you many others might have missed out on this day. I wish to thank AngryMobMan specially and nucksalltheway as they both published articles and helped out. I'd also like to thank Kronos Q and jbdivinus for the help with the wiki and their great ideas.

And the winners are...
The lottery seemed to be a deemed success with 32 tickets issued as follows:
temujin94- 1
Pants Magee- 2
Lan MacNess- 3
Devilcarrier- 4
Dr.Pain- 5
LJSilver- 6
powerown64- 7
Ayeshan Dakseus- 8
Nawa Nikor- 9
Matthew Gallaugher- 10
AngryMobMan- 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Armados- 16, 17
Kyoto Tokugawa- 18, 19
nucksalltheway- 20, 21: 28, 29, 30, 31, 32
BonhommeCarnaval- 22
maynardJ- 23
Citizen B- 24
Kelly Mahoney- 25
Stelawrat- 26
deckadad- 27

1st Prize: A Q4 House goes to >No. 9>Nawa Nikor

2nd Prize: 500 CAD goes to >No. 30>Nucksalltheway

3rd Prize: 100 CAD goes to >No. 11>AngryMobMan

Congratulations to all the winners!

And thank you once again, without you none of this would've been possible!

Yours Truly,