and so it has been a while...

Day 1,063, 07:11 Published in Denmark Sweden by carlos

It has been 3 months since my last article in this newspaper (i publish several under different orgs etc) and i thought "why not cause a bit of a ruckus" so here i am. First of all I would like to say that i do consider myself part of the old new guard, i wasnt around in beta but close enough so i believe i am qualified to make some comments. The myth of the old guard controlling denmark and somehow repressing the populace is not true. It takes two to tango and quite frankly the vast majority of the erepublik populace are apathetic towards politics and the greater political philosophy within the game. I know this because in my more than 1 year of congress membership and involvement in the highest levels of government in several countries i have seen again and again good citizens turn their back on politics and go to war or set up a company or leave the game all together.

The reason for this is multi-faceted, the first one i believe is the effort it takes to become a congressman, getting the votes, writing the manifestos. Second is the fact that for the next month you are tied to your country, and to your various responsbilities. And third is the fact that to a certain extent you are in the limelight, and open to criticism. I support freedom of the media, as it is an important part of a free democracy however, when it gets personal, that is when the line should be drawn imo. If there are people out there who wish to become ministers get on the forums and get involved, there are plenty of people not in the "old guard" in government right now, just look at hurkancs. So join up and get interested.