And Freedom Marches On

Day 457, 17:29 Published in USA USA by Al-Iksander

As you probably know by now, both Greece and Israel have been freed from Turkish domination. As of this writing, there are no current resistance wars to liberate further Israeli or Greek regions, which although I would be very glad to see both fully independent, is most likely a good thing since Greece and Israel will need to concentrate their resources to a) build up their economy and infrastructure and b) defend themselves from further attempts at domination by Turkey, or another country, though currently only Greece could be attacked by some other country, Bulgaria.

Speaking of attacks, everyone wants to know when Indonesia will attack India. They "rented" Southern Thailand under the pretense of war games, allowing them to overwhelm the Tamil Nadu region, a resource poor region, which is also the neighbor to their iron rich Karnataka region, which is seen as the linchpin to their future development as a nation. Once Indonesia's intentions were revealed however, several countries, including the eUSA signed MPPs to protect India. They were unable to pass the MPPs in time to defend Tamil Nadu. But now that several powerful countries have signed up, Indonesia is nowhere to be found. Could it be that they are afraid? Of course not! They showed their strength against a recently freed, tiny country with barely a fraction of the population. It was a completely fair battle of course.

So what does Indonesia do? Badmouth the ATLANTIS imperialists of course. While twiddling their thumbs. They can attack at any time they wish, since they still own the Tamil Nadu region.

I will be unsurprised if Indonesia repeats what happened with Argentina, waiting until the rest of ATLANTIS was distracted and overwhelming Argentina, while doubleteaming them with Brazil.

We the soldiers of the eUSA, of ATLANTIS, are waiting for you, Indonesia. Make your move. We will defeat you, and free Australia, Argentina, and South Africa.

Do you hear that? That is the sound of Freedom marching on!