Ananias for Florida - March 25th, 2009

Day 485, 23:11 Published in USA USA by Ananias

My fellow eFloridians,

I am honored to have received the endorsement of the USWP as candidate for congress representing the Sunshine State. Many have asked my why I chose to run to in one of the most, if not the most, competitive state in the eUnited States, and my response is simple:

My priorities are Florida’s priorities.

The strategic location and infrastructure in Florida are paramount to the three critical elements of my agenda contribute to the unification and strengthening of the eUnited States of America around a central goal: To increase our military strength through improved logistics and communications; to fulfill the financial promises made to our Marines, to our Army; to our National Guard; and to our citizen soldiers; to push forward a federal budget that provides for more frequent battles, whether they are realized in the form of war games or war against our common enemy; and finally to facilitate the development of sound and researched military strategy prior to military deployments of any form.

Military Logistics and Communications

Of the many lessons learned during the invasion of Portugal, and even more so during the invasion and subsequent tactical retreat from Mexico, perhaps the most important was the necessity of expanding and strengthening our communication and logistics when dessiminating orders through commands channels. In some cases, this lead to confusion over the central point of enemy engagement, and in other cases this led to the abandonment of military personnel within enemy territory. The advent of “captcha”, while an obstacle to the chain of command, cannot be accepted as the sole contributor to these communication and logistical challenges. The military leaders require support in their efforts to regain integrity and expediency in their communication protocols.

And Florida will lead the way.

Honoring our financial commitment to support our military.

I am outraged by the fact that our military leaders are being ignored when requesting the financial and logistical support the we, as eAmericans, have committed for their efforts. Every unequipped soldier or under-financed military deployment speaks volumes to our prioritization of our troops and our will to win even when it requires sacrifice. We will honor our military personnel with the funding required to accomplish there mission, we ask them to move mountain and sea for victory, we will not ignore their requests anymore. We can make a difference.

And Florida will lead the way.

A Federal Budget that plans for war.

For too long we have worked under the simplistic approach of “choosing the strategy we can afford”, rather than “implementing a strategy for victory”. A federal budget must be established for which revenue generated through taxes is planned for allocation to fulfill our national priorities rather than the current pet projects of a select few with a voice. As you representative, my focus will be on delivering an agenda that prioritizes planned funding for frequent warfare. With your support and the support of my colleagues in Congress and the administration, the next time we, as a nation, decide to respond to an international incident, conduct a war game, or defend our borders the question will be “what is the best strategy for success?” not “can we afford this?”.

And Florida will lead the way.

Sound Strategy and Planned Objectives

Another lesson learned in our recent conflicts has been to do our homework, research our objectives and form strategies for success and alternative strategies for when the tides of war change…before engaging the enemy. As your representative in congress, I will press forward with an agenda which prioritizes planning and critical analysis of the strategy and objectives of every military effort prior to committing our troops to any battle. Whatever extra hours of planning that are required prior to declaring a battle are a small price to pay for success. When you hear the call to war, you may be confident that the objectives are defined and the exit plan devised before you click the “fight” button.

And Florida will lead the way.

My fellow Floridians, I offer you the congressional experience and clear, committed focus to accomplish our shared priorities. I am asking for your vote on March 25th, 2009 to represent the great state of Florida in the eUnited States Congress.

It is time for unity of purpose, it is time for focus, it is time for victory…

And Florida will lead the way.

And furthermore, as if the previous was not enough to compel you to vote for me, I will right a great injustice to America perpetrated by former administrations, by formally nominating SamWystan for Secretary of Fun/Fun Czar.