Analysis of Wild Card System and New Congressional Division

Day 364, 15:58 Published in USA USA by Mister Brightside

As the Erepublik Adminastration listed in the article 'Division of Congress' of the newly introduced 'wild card' and 'regional divison' system for the congressional election, I am further pleased with the advancements Erepublik has undergone since I departed some while ago. However, I found out that these two new systems will not benefit countries with over 40 regions (like the USA). On the contrary, most countries contain less than or equal to 40 regions, so they may have multiple representatives in more populous regions, sort of like our House of Representatives. So instead of having a possibility of all the representatives from the most populous states, each state will be able to be represented. And if countries have even less population, they may have the benefit of the wildcard system. Under the wild card system, if you do not win the regional district, you are still able to become a member of your nation's congress; if your nation has, let's say, 20 regions, with 36 representatives encompassing the 20 regions. Those 4 remaining slots can be rewarded to the next top 4 recipiants, regardless of their political party.
So what of this new congressional division system? It's a good concept if you consider it, for one, it runs similairly to our House of Representatives, and gives representation to every single state or region, making it easier for the democratic system. Besides, eRepublik is a simulation of the real world, it might as well establish its governmental structure likewise. And what of the wild card system. On the contrary to the new congressional division system, I don't believe there is any government that utilizes a 'wild card' system'. So along with including all representation from all territories, there are an additional representatives from any territory who can seal a spot, depending if they recieved enough votes.
Once again, I am pleased with the progess eRepublik has done so far, and I look forward to see future progress. If I misinterpreted (for no one is perfect) please notify me.