Analysis of the War with Brazil

Day 884, 08:15 Published in South Africa South Africa by Ministry of Information eSA

I have seen many posts here in the forums, and many people in IRC asking about the failed Peace Declaration and subsequent attack by Brazil on Northern Cape.

The Vice President, and Chief of Staff of the eSAAF, zamrg, had this to say in his daily briefing:

Poland made their intentions clear the other day that they wish to invade Mexico, presumably to own Mexico's high oil region. They orchestrated a series of land swaps with Spain and took control of Canary Islands which borders Mexico, giving them a striking distance.

Brazil then got concerned since by going through Mexico, [Poland] can make their way to Brazil and launch a South American assault. A solution to this was for Brazil to get involved and block Poland from going on the offensive, since whilst a country is being attacked, they cannot launch an attack. The problem is that they'd need 24 hours to pass a declaration of war against Mexico and that they only had a few hours before the Polish/Mexican declaration of war would pass. The quickest and cheapest workaround was to attack Northern Cape since by attacking us, it activates all our MPPs (MUtual Protection Pacts) and opens a war with every country on our MPP list, Poland included. With this new open war between Poland and Brazil, Brazil could attack Canary Islands, a non-original Polish region and hence not activate any Polish MPPs.

They attacked Northern Cape after negotiating with us and they were under the assumption that we would pass the peace proposal and close our war with them which would also deactivate those MPPs. We then told congress to vote no on the peace proposal to keep the war open....

After reading this, the crack staff of military analysts here at the Ministry of Information noticed that there is a little more to the story...

Brazil appears to be making no attempt to actually WIN either the battle in Northern Cape OR the battle in the Canary Islands (or they simply dont have the firepower to do so). At best, this means that they delay the attack on Mexico for 24 hrs, right? Well, not so fast...

In the past day, Mexico has signed MPP agreements with some major Phoenix powers: Brazil, Argentina, Russia, UK, Turkey, France, and Paraguay. Additionally, MPPs with Hungary and Serbia will pass as the two battles expire.

Perhaps this was the strategy all along? Fight a delaying battle while the MPPs were signed. Any attack on Mexico then becomes a 1 v. 10 battle. This would seem to be a nightmare scenario for Poland.

So what comes next? We shall see....

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Merle Corey
Minister of Information