An urgent message to all Lithuanians and Erepublikans

Day 815, 06:56 Published in Lithuania Czech Republic by Leo Ruby

Ths iz stooped!


First, let me again apologize for my inactivity; I have been overloaded in real-life, and will not be seeking re-election, but instead I encourage you to vote for addiction, who has really helped a lot with the party. I will still be hanging around, though, so I’ll help out.

Now, for the reason I have called you here. You may remember that I said that the LDP would take a stance on real-life issues, and I stand by the promise. Very soon, the Ugandan parliament will be voting on a bill that would give anyone committing “homosexual acts” life in prison, or even possibly the death penalty. IN ADDITION TO THIS, anyone who does not report someone they suspect is gay will be arrested, and given three years in prison. Also at risk are international aid workers who are trying to stem the spread of HIV/AIDS, who could receive a prison term, as well as expatriate Ugandans, who will be extradited if they are under suspicion.

Now, no matter what your views on homosexuality are, I know that none of you think that gays should receive life or a death sentence, and neither should NGO workers or straight Ugandans who won’t report on their friends, family, and relatives. Yes, I know this does not affect Lithuania, or the UK, or the US, or Ireland, or wherever you are living, but it affects the whole world, and we are in a Global age, where one injustice passes round the whole world. But as we are in a global world, we have the power to stop this, and I would like to encourage all of you to sign this petition here.

Thank you,

Leo Ruby
President, Lietuviu Demokratu Partija

p.s. If someone could translate this, that would be great. If the admins remove it, then I will post it again using google translate until I get a translator, since they probably won't notice if it's in Lithuanian. Also, feel free to re-publish it in your own paper.