An Update and a Prize Winner!

Day 790, 20:31 Published in USA USA by Synergy Research Group

An Update

We just finished a six hour operation in which we sent out the invites for the second Synergy Poll. We have already seen a steady flow of responses, and we look forward to seeing the completed results. You can expect those to be published Wednesday or Thursday of this week. We made a number of changes to the poll itself that we hope will increase the accuracy of the numbers collected. If you have already taken the survey, then you know that we also added an extensive Current Events section the results of which should be quite interesting. We were also able to improve our method of determining invitees thanks to some API tool improvements (see below). As a result we were able to send a lot more invitations out in less time. This cut our work by 55%! All we lack is a better submission rate. In the last survey we conducted, we received 20% of the forms that we sent out. We are shooting for 25% this time.

Unfortunately, a number of you are receiving your second or even third poll invite from us today. We recognize that constantly being asked to participate in polls will get annoying. The process for "harvesting" profile numbers is as random as we can make it right now, but we will be looking into how to make it even better. As it is, we only see profile numbers until right before we send the invitation. As a matter of policy, we do not send out invitations by request nor do we refrain from sending out invitations to those we don't like (e.g., people with offensive character names). Thank you for your patience if you are receiving invites too often!

A Huge "THANK YOU"!!!" align="right">

You will almost certainly hear us say this again, but we cannot thank s0beit enough for the assistance he has given us. Thanks to his timely and accurate coding, we are able to automate the filtering process that weeds out foreign nationals and those unlikely to vote (below level 4, under 30 wellness). This cut our workload by at least 55%! Thank you, s0beit.

Thanks are also in order to AndraX2000 for the Weapon of Mass Distribution (which forms the backbone of our operation) and to the Government Statistics Office (and specifically to PigInZen) for up-to-date census information (which helps us calculate things like margin of error and our target sample size).

Also, thank you to Iasov, Devoid, Kalidar, AidenAstrup, and others who have donated either time or money to help us get this project going strong. If you would like to help in some way, PM the organization and we will get back to you!" align="right">

Prize Winner

We announced with our last poll that we would have a monthly prize drawing which would randomly award one of the Synergy Poll participants. This ain't that prize.

Since our last Synergy Poll, we have been very busy conducting a privately contracted survey about eRepublik banking habits. The entity that hired us also fronted 5 gold as a prize to be randomly awarded to one participant of that particular survey. The banking survey closed this morning, and we are happy to announce that the lucky winner is participant #24 - Keltrick Brown. Mr. Brown will be receiving a PM from SRG in short order arranging for the transfer of his prize winnings.

We look forward to awarding the 1 gold Synergy Poll prize later this week and look forward to being able to offer something even better for next month's prize.

Again...stay tuned for the release on the second Synergy Poll in a few days!