An Ugly Word

Day 1,854, 07:37 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Professor Evil

Party President elections came around again! That interesting time where members have a difficult decision to make over the future direction of their party. I realise this is a somewhat late discussion on the election, but I've been away.

Firstly, before I get into it, I'd like to congratulate Darkmantle for becoming the leader of the UKRP! His vision and ethos will be invaluable to the party. If you're new and wondering what party to join, I'd recommend reading his Party President manifesto to see the benefits of joining.

One of the interesting things about PP elections is that on the Elections screen, you're able to see the smaller parties in the eUK that don't appear on the radar much. It's interesting to learn more about the parties on the fringe, often in their early stages and on the way to growth. Upon looking at this, I came across a tiny little party called 'TUP are faggots'.

Really, guys? Is that necessary? It's fully alright to hate the TUP, and flaming is par for the course, but did you really have to cheapen your attack by coming up with something that's a} childish, b) unimaginative and c} downright offensive? This isn't the Westboro Baptist Church, it's an online community of like-minded individuals who have a mental age of at least fifteen*. Gay bashing is one of those things that isn't really tolerated in any such group, right up there with racism, mysogeny and generally being a first-class wanker. I know this is a minority party without much of a voice (their PP doesn't even have a newspaper) but with all the gold needed to start a party, don't you think you could have phrased your attack a little more elegantly?

* - Except on IRC, sometimes. Mwah