An Open Letter to Roland_Up, and SKRev Regarding His Comment

Day 1,285, 07:05 Published in South Korea South Korea by obamalucas
This article is an open letter to roland_up and moreover, SKRev regarding roland's comment on [Announcement by Government/Sanction to SKRev] I was going to write it as a comment but I thought it would be better to put it this way to show my deepest concerns on this matter.
To begin with I'll start with a phrase from Dan/naD Wilshire's Battle Order
"Well I have decided that the SKRev will be “anti” Eden from now on. This country had its best days while being neutral and I know many of us don’t want that to change. So try to help Eden as little as possible!"

This does not sound neutral at all to me, and Dan/naD has given battle order directly contrasting each battle order MoD has given to the MUs.

Each MUs have been funded by the government with food and/or tanks to follow the government's battle orders and this cannot be regarded as a 'tyrannical regime' as there was a negotiation between Dan/naD Wilshire, leader of SKRev, and the government.

MoD's orders, including TW with Taiwan is controlled by means of diplomacy, meaning there are certain agreements on the overall results of the battle, win or loss, for the sake of both nations, and there should not be a situation where eskers fight regardless of which battle they are on, or whether they are defending or offending. MoD has clearly stated in his battle order that 'We must "lose" this battle because that is the most recent agreement by governments.'

Dan/naD Wilshire's action in trying to breach such agreement is directly against the governments diplomatic interchange with eRoC. If he was opposed to government's diplomatic decisions, he always had a chance to communicate with the government regarding his concerns, before he gave orders to his unit to fight against government's orders. This could be clearly seen as 'against National benefit' when SKRev is subsidized by the government.

I will not argue about Dan/naD Wilshire's decision to establish his military unit as "anti" Eden as it is not directly breaching the agreement esk government has made. It is his decision and I believe this decision cannot be interfered as long as it does not exercise bad influence on the decision the congress has made, to join EDEN. MoD has never forced eskers to fight for Eden, he only presented the priority of the battle considering the relationship with member nations of Eden.

Also, it would be great if you could come to IRC once so we could have a proper, yet 'not-so-appaling' argument to settle things down.

I truly do not want to see SKRev turning its back against our government we have spent months to build on.

Yours Sincerely,
