An Offer from America: Should Japan Merge with the USA?

Day 148, 12:47 Published in Japan Japan by Yamato Suzuki
Japan has taken a serious turn for the worst lately.
There’s no Japanese food, gifts, houses or moving tickets on the market, when we did a military report only 7 out of 117 citizens reported in and the need for companies and workers is getting quite serious.
The increase of Japanese citizens is small, too small. The only people living in eJapan are people with an interest for Japanese culture, and there’s no chance on real life Japanese people joining since they speak bad English and therefor don’t go on English sites.
We’ve gotten a very serious offer from the American government about a merge between the nations of Japan and the USA.
The deal is the admin merges the countries or that we join by declaring war on them.
Wether you’re already for or against this, please read through the entire article.

American President, Nave:
"The USA has experienced the highest rate of economic growth out of every country and have sustained this growth for over 6 weeks now. If Japan became a part of the US, our collective growth would increase (from an economic standpoint, this annex would make us both into a world power).
The US is also about to import 200 foreigners, all of whom will need jobs."

A term on the merge is that JPY can be traded in for dollars.
Companies are not lost during merges or occupations, all Japanese companies will remain.

I don’t think parties get deleted when a country is occupied, but if they do the American government is willing to provide gold to all Japanese citizens that wish to start a political party.

Although we will be under control of the American government, Japan will keep it’s cultural identity and heritage solid.

Although most of the Japanese citizens currently speak English, we may feel free to speak Japanese in the media.

"The American government is willing to accommodate any needs of the Japanese in case of a merger."

I won’t do any merger without first hearing the opinions of the Japanese citizens.
I’m not writing this because it is or isn’t my opinion that we should merge, it’s because we’ve been given a serious offer that could help our country, a lot, and for atleast a short time.
Remember it doesn't neccesarily have to be permanent either.